Development of technology and equipment is for the biotechnological receipt of untraditional power mediums

Technology and experimental equipment is developed for realization of processes of synthesis of biogas. The rational parameters of process are certain at the terms of processing of wastes of agricultural production and communal enterprises. On the basis of the conducted researches hydrodynamics is certain and and transmission of mass of description of processes of biosynthesis of, which take a place in an anaerobic farmantors from immobilisation on inert transmitters microorganism.

The scientific value of work consists in development of mathematical models of process of synthesis of biogas in farmantors from immobilisation on immobile inert transmitters microorganism. In work, influencing of the hydrodynamic modes is certain and heat-exchange on biosynthesis properties of microorganism population synthetik of biogas.

The practical value of work is realized in creation of the laboratory setting for research of hydrodynamics of motion of gas- liquid dispersion in the channels of farmantors from immobilisation on polymeric transmitters microorganism. The complete set of designer document is developed for making of the pilot setting for research of synthesis of methane.

Substrat , as a biogas source originally behave to flow waters (communal and industrial with a high concentration substrat) and wastes of agriculture (hard and liquid). The role of two groups of substrats which apply in work of biogas is certain (hard wastes and flow water).

Certainly, as synthesis of methane bacteria have low speed of growth, it is important technological methods to provide their high concentration in a farmantor. One of such methods — immobilisation cages on the surface of transmitters.

Technological recommendations are developed in relation to the methods of synthesis of methane, in basis of which principle of two stages process is fixed where on the first stage the processes of sour phase are carried out anaerobic fermentation – hydrolysis at the use of proof to mechanical interfusion microorganisms. On the second stage passes synthesis of methane. In work expedience of the use on the second phase of cleaning of farmantors is certain as UASB, that allows to regulate intensity of streams of liquid phase through the layer of granular synthesis of methane active a silt. It is set that a synthesis of methane consortium feels like attachment on different surfaces, that is why in the second section it is possible to place the special facilities for immobilisation are tapes of brush, granule and other In quality material for the inert transmitter of microorganism there is the expedient use of the second polymeric materials.

Рис 1. Установка для дослідження впливу гідродинамічних режимів та тепломасообміну на біосинтетичні властивості мікробного біоценозу продуцентів біогазу.