Kornienko Yaroslav

Development of highly efficient process and technological principles of ecologically pure nitrogen-calcium fertilizer containing humic

Reasonable hypothesis of formation of nitric-calcium-humic sulfur-containing hard compos with even distribution of calcspar and humic matters on all volume of granules during realization of isothermal mass crystallization of the saturated aquatic solutions of sulfate to the ammonium.

Developing effective methods of maintaining soil fertility in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable development.

Conducted theoretical experimental researches of forming process a lot of puffs crystalline amorphous nano- the structures formed by mass crystallization in the presence mykro- and makro- admixtures on the surface of dispersion phase in the dynamic dispersions systems.

Terms are certain formings and mechanism of formation of organic mineral hard compositions matters with a layer structure from the homogeneous and geterogeneous liquid systems.