The Multipurpose hardware and software system of non-invasive diagnostic with synergetic approach to therapies and with diagnostic and therapeutic sign validation

Based on the analysis of existing tools and methods oftherapy justified technical performance requirements of amultifunctional complex therapy. Methods for the formation ofelectromagnetic fields, which take into account the low-frequency resonant nature of physico- shemical and biological processes in the body systems, individual organs, cells and molecules. Presents views on the furtherdevelopment of physical therapy at the molecular andcellular level. The principles of construction of the basicunits of multi-channel and multi-stage inductor generator forextended range 1 Hz ... 20 kHz and the level of intensity of themagnetic field 1 ... 1000 mTl. Regimes of AC ripple running, rotary and combined magnetic fields with the possibility ofchanging settings on the diagnostic results. Offered specialmodulation types: broadband noise, harmonious andmusical, which contain a range of frequencies that matchthe resonant frequencies of the body organs. Frequenciesand levels of radiation, modulation types specifiedhardware with the front panel, and baseband signals-froma flash card or via USB-port. Baseband signals aregenerated in the form of a database and written in advanceby computer or music synthesizer. Mockup of the devicemade with two modules 16-element inductors. Preliminary physical therapy with patients who had various kinds of pathologies. During procedures were also used ultrasonic means local physiotherapy in the frequency range 22...880 kHz. Sharing of electromagnetic and ultrasonic therapy provides a synergistic effect that reduces the required levels of radiation. An additional effect of increasing the immunity, anesthesia and rehabilitation is achieved by using the method and means of controlled compression of the upper and lower extremities ( turnstile method). The method is implemented by upgrading the pressure measuring device . The recommendations on the implementation of complex, taking into account the existing regulatory and technical requirements with diagnostic and therapeutic validation features. The complex can be used as a tool for medical research and implementation of new protocols physiotherapy.

In this research work development of principles and criteria of multichannel and fast measurement in the expanded frequency band of all parameters of a full impedance of biological objects (the module, active and reactive components) with the increased accuracy were executed. For this purpose methods of broadband amplitude and phase measurings and spectrometries were used. For visualization of internal structures of biological objects on the basis of Electro Impedance Tomography forward and inverse problems of image reconstruction of biological objects as dielectric structures with losses were solved. Prototyping tools for measurement of biological impedance parameters are developed and experimentally tested. and Technology of a functional state diagnostic of biological objects on the basis of full impedance measurement were tested and verified. New principles of construction of novel fast measurement systems for diagnostic and research of a state of biological structures, biotissues, human organs and systems are developed.

The theoretical basis, models, methods, algorithms, and hardware and software tools for high resolution electrocardiography assessment of cardiovascular system of the mother and fetus are developed. For the first time, a new method for the extraction of fetal ECG from a mixture of fetal and maternal electrocardiogram based on orthogonal wavelet transformation with adaptive selection of scale levels of decomposition and reconstruction is developed, which allows to perform fetal rhythmograms analysis to identify the state of cardiovascular system at the early stages of disease. A new integrated method of separation of fetal ECG and ECG mother using wavelet transform and independent component analysis of abdominal electrocardiosignal which allows to evaluate the morphology of fetal ECG peaks and complexes for early non-invasive diagnosis. The method of entropy analysis of fetal rhythmograms based on prior removal of maternal cardiorhythmogram from fetal one is improved to produce quantitative characteristics of fetal cardiac activity. The system of non-invasive diagnosis of the cardiovascular system of the mother and fetus, which implements the methods developed ECG analysis with high resolution is developed.

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