Development of tools for the analysis of sustainable development of municipalities

A model of integrated quantitative evaluation of sustainable development of the municipality is created using the procedure of building a system of indicators in accordance with the program-oriented approach, including the coordination of data and methods of constructing composite indicators, methods for identifying critical indicators, etc. To work with the model’s data information subsystem for collecting, processing and storage of data is developed. It implements the conceptual framework for the submission of many interrelated artifacts, which semantics are defined on the metadata level. This representation of the semantics of the artifacts using the metadata allows to organize storage of various types data in a single repository. The scheme and the tools of semantics artifacts reconciliation in other systems of metadata is proposed, which uses existing data management systems provides the ability to integrate the system with them. A software platform that provides the implementation of the developed methods and approaches to Cloud Computing technology and provides the user with various services (SaaS) for monitoring sustainable development of the municipality and support management decisions is created.

With the help of the developed tools and models for assessing the sustainable development of the municipalities index of sustainable development of the city of Slavutych have been calculated. As a result, we developed a web application using micro service technologies. It was the analysis of statistical data and weighting factors for each level of a hierarchical structure, predicting sustainable development of the municipality in the short term. All statistics have been obtained from open official sources: the urban community portals of Slavutych, Public Statistics of Slavutych, Slavutych region and the Association of Ukrainian Cities, namely from the collections of statistical socio-economic development of the city of Slavutych for the 2008-2013.

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