Мельник І.В.

Development and investigation of powerful glow discharge electron gun for applying in the technology of obtaining of refractory and chemically active metals

Today, the necessity of development highly productive and metal-saving equipment for electron-beam melting of refractory and chemically active metals is stimulated by the needs of nuclear, aviation, space technology, chemical technology and the electronics industry in highly pure metals and alloys that retain high strength at high temperatures, chemical resistance and required electrical parameters. Electron beam vacuum melting is the most efficient way to obtain such materials.

Elaboration of powerful gas-discharge electron gun for impulse deposition of multi-component and chemically-complex coatings

Conditions of forming of impulse electron beam in power triode high-voltage glow discharge electron gun with using low-voltage additional discharge are investigated theoretically and experimentally. By using simulation technique basic geometrical and energetic beam parameters with taking into account thermodynamic parameters of anode plasma are defined. Particularities of transporting and scanning of formed electron beam are also theoretically investigated.