Development of highly efficient process and technological principles of ecologically pure nitrogen-calcium fertilizer containing humic

Reasonable hypothesis of formation of nitric-calcium-humic sulfur-containing hard compos with even distribution of calcspar and humic matters on all volume of granules during realization of isothermal mass crystallization of the saturated aquatic solutions of sulfate to the ammonium.

A method and terms of process of dehydration is certain and formation of granules of nitric-calcium-humic sulfur-containing hard compos with fluidizing, with the coefficient of the use of warmth over 60% at dehydration.
Technological parameters, at which dehydration of the liquid heterogeneous system with education spatial to framework from microcrystals of sulfate to the ammonium in which the up-diffused macroparticles of calcspar and besieging on him colloid particles of humate potassium and forming of spatial structure of granules, are certain.
It is reasonably and experimentally confirmed in theory, that the limiting stage at dehydration of the liquid systems of created on the basis of solution of thermolabile sulfate to the ammonium is moving away of moisture.
With a purpose to intensification of mass-transfer the new construction of gas-distributing device and chamber of pellet is worked out, to allowed to realize a stream-pulsation mode pseudo fluidizing, and by volume interfusion of particles with frequency 5…7 Hertzs.

It allowed to increase intensity of evaporation of moisture from working solution in 1,8…2 and adequately to increase the productivity at the formation of granules theses without of diminishing of coefficient of formation of granules ψ≥92%.

The technological parameters of formation of granular nitric-calcium-humic sulfur-containing fertilizers are certain with the layer structure of granules of close to the field form, by a size a 1,5…4,5 mm and by durability anymore 10Н on a granule.

Adequacy of mathematical model of formation of mineral humic fertilizers is tested at application of the spray and pulsating mode of pseudofluidizing and the methods of calculation of power source of new cents of granulation, necessary for stabilizing general dispersible composition of granules vehicle at the set mode of unloading of product are worked out.

On results researches the worked out construction of pellet is with the pseudofluidized layer for the receipt of nitric-calcium-humic sulfur-containing fertilizers.

Methods and algorithm of calculation of industrial pellet are worked out.

Formulated technological principles and the flowsheet of industrial module asm is worked out.

Фотографія зрізу гранули азотно-кальцієво-гумінових сірковмісних добрив
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