Ціль 4. Якісна освіта

Ціль 4. Якісна освіта

Methods of the intelligent software organization for distributed information education environment for sustainable development

A new concept of architectural and algorithmic organization of software that supports information learning environment was worked out. The concept describes a number of modules such as monitoring and processing of the heterogeneous educational information resources module, module for indexing for all types of search (attributive, fulltext, quasisemantic, associative etc), modules which provides intellecualized possibilities such as referencing, clasterization, classification. A new method of organizing data to support the entire range of search possibilities was created.

Implementation of the clouds computing in education and creation of the virtual computer research and training laboratory for universities

Were developed the software and technical basis of the virtual computer lab (VL) based on cloud technology. The main difference from the cloud services offered by the Internet in recent years - the advanced features for users with the ability to use interactive physical laboratory tools from both the server and client-side depth management of virtual machines and infrastructures.

Methods of the organization of monitoring information-analytical systems for scientific and educational purpose on the basis of highly productive computing cluster technologies.

A number of approaches is developed for creation of monitoring information-analytical systems for scientific and educational activity support. The way of an efficiency estimation of using information-analytical, including monitoring information-analytical systems for solving problems of science and education on the basis of use spatial cognitive model of training is offered. Approaches to formation of  specialized information-analytical systems architecture are created.