Completed research works
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» 2018
A platform for the design, exploitation and development of critical IT infrastructures for the work with big data
Anthropomorphic robotic ransport device for human unloading in conditions of high risk and uncertainty of terrain
Creating and characteristics research of university CubeSat format nano-satellites for remote observation of the Earth
Creation of methods for designing the processes of shaping engineering structures under viscoplastic deformation of homogeneous, eutectic strengthened and powder materials
Creation of technologies of plastic deformation of homogeneous and powder materials in conditions of superplasticity for maintenance of a resource and reliability of the high technology products
Development of efficient electrobus electromechanical system based on adaptive vector- controlled induction motor drive with accumulator-ultracapacitor power source
Effects of electromagnetic interaction in microwave multipleplaced planar structures and development of the theory of filters for telecommunication system
Improving energy and resource efficiencies parameters on basis power electronics for highly reliable technology for welded joints of heterogeneous materials
Investigation of heat transfer in the simulators of fuel bundles and passive heat-removal systems for strengthening of safety barriers in nuclear power engineering
Management of municipal facilities energy consumption
Physics of high-temperature strength of reinforced ceramic materials of special, functional and biomedical purposes
Scientific principles and patterns of electrochemical procceses of formation of ordered nanoscale and microlevel chemotronic materials
Terahertz ultra wideband communication system development
The complex of devices for monitoring and diagnostics of gas analytical systems for the determination of cyanide conduit.
The formation of phase composition, structure of FePd, FePt films – magnetic recording media and storage information of high density
Theoretical and experimental investigations of electronic, magnetic and optical properties of nanosized carbon-containing materials
Theoretical principles of constructing intelligent scalable computer systems for the critical objects monitoring
Theory of kinematics and dynamic workflows for processing dangerous objects machine tools mobile robots
Thermomolecular accumulator with the new working medium based on heteregenious liophobic system.
Tools of asymmetric response to hybrid aggression in the humanitarian field
Universal multifunctional mobile robotic complex with high passability, maneuverability and durability
Using of the potential of hydrobionts for the conversion of biosources and wastewater pollution
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