Energy and energy efficiency

Creation of thermophysical bases of design of heat exchange devices on two-phase heat transfer elements for energy saving in ventilation systems of buildings

Experimental samples of flat-oval thermosyphons (TS) with partial transverse rectangular and corrugated finning and samples of round TS with inner intensifiers of heat transfer in evaporation section (ES) were developed and fabricated. They are intended for functioning in heat exchangers (HE) utilizers of heat wastes in ventilation systems. It was shown, that freon R134a is the most optimal heat carrier for TS functioning in conditions close to these in ventilation systems from the point of boiling temperature and safety of application.

Next Generation of the Highly Efficient Traction Electromechanical Systems With Permanent Magnets Free Motors

A novel theoretical and practical development for highly efficient traction electromechanical systems based on the induction and synchronous reluctance motors is presented, which allows to overcome the problem of permanent magnets limited availability. New nonlinear and adaptive control methods have been developed for traction electrical drives and hybrid energy storage systems based on batteries and ultra capacitors. The theory of vector control systems design was extended to class of highly saturated electric motors using their improved mathematical models.

Energy supply system for high-frequency drone reluctance switched motors with multi-cell converters and space-timemodulationвачами і просторово-часовою модуляцією

Drones are widely used to solve many practical problems. The main parameters of drones are flight range, load capacity, speed and shunting characteristics. Currently, the best technical characteristics are drones with permanent magnet motors and lithium-polymer batteries. Placing more pairs of poles on the rotor reduces the size of the motor while maintaining the same torque, but requires the use of more complex, spatio-temporal laws of voltage modulation and multichannel power converters, which slightly increases the weight of the power supply system. not used in practice.

Development of disk connections between billets in columns and energy-efficient graphitizing regulations for electrodes in direct-heating furnaces

The requirements for electric contact joints between workpieces in the core columns of Kastner furnaces are formulated. The choice of a material - graphite foam - for making electric contact gaskets is justified. Rational form and thickness of electric contact pads have been determined, the glue for their fixation between electrode blanks has been selected. A mold for forming electrocontact pads has been developed and prototypes of pads of different shapes, thickness and density have been made in order to check their suitability for forming Kastner furnace core under industrial conditions.

Development of technical and technological schemes and control systems of heating systems based on thermodynamic approaches

Methodological, mathematical, algorithmic and software maintenance and support services have been developed and improved for optimizing structure, parameters and operation modes of new and improved solutions in heating systems based on renewable energy sources and energy efficient technologies (low-energy houses, low-temperature heating systems and high- temperature cooling systems, heat pumps and cogeneration plants, thermal storages, etc.).

Development of a system for monitoring and analysis of transient modes of electrical networks based on the processing of synchronous vector measurements

The essence of the development is to create and test the system of monitoring and analysis of electric networks modes of operation and automatic control of electric distribution networks based on new methods of processing data of synchronous vector measurements, as well as experimental validation of the developed technology to determine the features of its application in power grids with renewable energy sources.
The main results of the work are:

Development of energy-efficient technical solutions for modernization of rotating furnaces of electrode production with partial replacement of natural gas with syngas

The gasification method with the highest value of the syngas calorific value and the prototype of equipment for calcining carbon-containing bulk material are substantiated. A mathematical model of the process of gasification of bulk carbon containing material in a drum-cooler of a rotary kiln was developed, based on a continuous-discrete formulation of the interaction of a mixture of reacting gases with a discrete solid phase, taking into account the turbulent flow regime and thermal radiation.

Study of thermohydraulic processes in the elements of heat removal systems for advanced nuclear engineering facilities

The formulation and conduct of this work are due to: 1) unacceptable uncertainty of temperature regimes of fuel elements (fuel rods) of promising reactors in conditions close to the deteriorated heat transfer (DHT); 2) the practical impossibility of studying the temperature regimes of fuel assemblies in real conditions of nuclear reactors (NR); 3) strengthening the priority focus on passive methods of heat dissipation in nuclear energy technologies; 4) the need to increase the efficiency and reliability of promising passive heat dissipation systems of the evaporation- condensation type (ECT

Engineering aspects of the functioning of the energy management system of housing and public facilities

The authors continued previous studies, which were aimed at creating scientific and technical solutions for the development and implementation of energy management systems in educational sector, methods of energy assessment and certification of buildings, typical structures of control, monitoring and management systems, algorithmic and software for information systems aimed at energy consumption processes management, performing energy modelling of representative premises or buildings of simple geometry, taking into account the influence of climatic parameters, operating modes of the heating

Development and research of universal energy saving subsystem power supply to the optoelectronic scanner and precision GPS / GLONASS space receiver

The work is aimed at creating a universal power supply subsystem for nanosatellites, which will be able to provide high-quality power to space devices - precision GPS \ GLONASS receiver and optoelectronic scanner (OEC) as a payload of GraviSat and PolyITAN-3.
