Energy and energy efficiency

Development of methodological principles of intellectualization of processes of generation and distribution of electricity in integrated systems with active consumer

The scientific, technical and methodological bases for intellectualization of processes of generation and distribution of electricity (components of the Smart Grid concept) in integrated energy systems with prosumers are determined. The scientific aspects of the concept of smart electricity system are formed. The processes of generation and consumption of electrical energy in the integrated systems for electricity supply were studied, assessment of the impact of tariffs differentiated by time zones for the formation of power consumption schedule was held.

Development of software for risk operating analysis of electric power subsystems with nuclear power plants

The analysis of the conditions of operation of NPP with auxiliary systems in modern EPS of Ukraine was performed. The most probable set of events (incidents) that cause accidents in EPS with NPP was determined. The structure of risks of electrical connection of NPP and TPP with power system and blackout of auxiliary system of power plant under extreme external influences was formed.

Development and research of the two-phase medium-temperature thermosyphon for the implementation of the waste streams heat recovery in the pumping units of the gas pipeline

Gas compressor units operate with large thermal emissions (up to 20 MW), high temperature (300 ° C or more) and, at the same time, they require a considerable amount of electricity for the maintenance of the own pumping stations equipment of the Ukrainian gas pipeline. Recycling streams from the high pumping units and outgoing heat conversion into electric energy can be carried out using thermoelectric generators.

Technology of combined energy-efficient power stations with integrated use of distribution generation and smart-technologies

The methodology and mathematical tools for solving problems of the integrated energy systems development is created. Proposed methodology is based on combined use of distributed micro power stations with distributed generation, with taking into consideration the existing energy infrastructure of the region, resource base, the potential of renewable energy, environmental constraints, economic and social risks.

Increasing of the efficiency and serviceability of equipment of power plants and small engineering during variable mode of operation

The recommendation for designing of air dust-feeders, which ensurance uniform feed of dust to burners of the boilers when low-reaction coal is burnt in working conditions of 300 MW energy unit are worked out. The plan of the branch standard “The method directives for developing, designing and putting in practice of the system of dust feeding with high concentration (under the pressure) to boiler 300MW energy units, which burn low reaction coal” are prepared.

Increasing compressor stations efficiency due to using “Aquarius” technology for gas turbine engine heat utilization

It was suggested to apply the gas turbine plant «Aquarius» for regular gas-turbines engines heat utilization which transports natural gas in Ukrainian gas pipelines system. It is helped to create the modified energy saving technology for power engineering, industry, housing and communal services.

A new thermal diagram was offered and investigated. In this scheme was united in utilization complex a few regular gas turbines which helped to increase heat utilization of all compressor station.

Research and development on high performance methods for ensuring thermal regimes of NTUU "KPI" nanosatellite

For the first time in Ukraine team of students and teachers has developed experimental flight model of nanosatellite and structural - technological methods for ensuring of thermal conditions of all nanosatellite subsystems. Namely, onboard the data processing subsystem with the help of onboard computer and software applications, three axes attitude determination and control subsystem with sun sensors, radio frequency link telecommunication subsystem, telemetry tracking and control subsystem, electric power supply subsystem.

Development of scientific and technical means of non-destructive diagnostics of domestic superhigh-voltage cables of world level to improve their operational reliability and service life

Application of cables with nano-hardened cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation is a strategic way to improve the reliability and ecological compatibility of systems of power supplies in all countries. However, there is no normative base for the diagnosis of these cables in Ukraine. Besides there is no necessary diagnostic equipment, despite the fact that the plant "Pivdenkabel" (Kharkiv, Ukraine), the first in the CIS mastered their industrial production for voltages up to 330 kV.

Development equalincreased heat transfer surfaces for gas turbine regenerators of gas transport systems and research their heat-aerodynamics characteristics

Gas turbine unit ( GTU) is the dominant type of drive gas transportation system of Ukraine. However, most of them morally and physically obsolete, leading to a waste of gas for its own needs, which in 2010 amounted to 4.9 billion m3. To improve gas turbine is to use the least expensive stoves (regenerator) for utilization of heat in the turbine exhaust gases at the same time regenerators at current levels of use are bulky often have low operational reliability.

Development of high-power hybrid power supply on the basis of batteries of supercapacitors and accumulators for ecological vehicles

The scientific novelty of development consists in that first in a theoretical plan generalized and the theoretical are systematized and experimental data of researches of balance of energies in the hauling and рекуперативному modes of operations of autonomous electro-transport facilities. It is well-proven that the use of hybrid source of feed which includes the block of supercondensers and storage battery prolongs tenure of employment of accumulators in two - three times. Work of block of supercondensers is analysed in hauling and recuperation modes.
