Energy and energy efficiency

Expansion of the fuel base and improvement of environmental indicators of stationary and self-propelled systems with diesel engines through the use of gas diesel cycle

A universal gas diesel fuel supply system with microprocessor control (MPSS) for the conversion of diesels of stationary and transport facilities of average power, including military engines, to work on the gas-diesel cycle, which allows to improve the energy and environmental performance of the engine, reduce the consumption of diesel engines more expensive diesel fuel and attract cheap fuel for environmentally friendly gas to the fuel fund.

The increasing of efficiency and economy of the operation of the energetic equipment under different kinds of fuel and conditions of the load control

The experimental curves of the creep and the long-term strength of 25Kh1M1FA steel have been scientifically substantiated and proved by studying of the rotor of power unit No. 9 on the Luganskaya TES which had worked 275 thousand hours and reproduced all aging processes for the entire period of operation. The experimental curve of the long-term strength is supplemented taking into account the creep, which was limited a range of 175 thousands hours, up to 375 thousands hours.

Development and research of aluminum heat pipes with threaded capillary structure for cooling LED lighting devices.

For lighting in the world, 19 to 22% of the generated electricity is consumed. The introduction of energy-saving technologies in lighting systems will provide significant energy savings and improve the environmental state by reducing emissions of thermal power plants in the environment. One way to save energy in lighting is to switch to LED lighting. Light output of LED light sources is 10 times higher than the light output of incandescent lamps and 2 times - compact fluorescent lamps containing mercury.

The development of energy-efficient technology of isostatic graphite production

Energy efficient technical solutions and regulations of pressing, baking and graphitizing of isostatic graphite artifacts were developed, which do not have any analogues in Ukraine and enable specific energy consumption decrease. Parameters of material base for isostatic graphite artifacts obtaining were determined and the requirements for “green” isostatic graphite samples, which are obtained on the pressing stage, were formulated.

Automation of monitoring of the hydrochemical state of NPP groudwater

The complex of solutions had been developed which are directed at perfecting the mathematical and the software of the automated monitoring of the environment through the expansion of mathematical methods for solving specific tasks a subject domain, improvement of indicators speed of information exchange between system components and optimizing memory usage.

Scientific and technical solutions complex development for education facilities of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine energy management system creation

Energy management systems in different universities of Ukraine were considered. Procedures for conducting energy audits for social facilities and estimation of baseline buildings energy consumption for evaluating the implementation of energy saving measures were developed. Mathematical models of building thermal condition were created, taking into account the influence of solar and thermal radiation, thermal protection, based on European standards (simplified hourly method 5R1C) and EnergyPlus software product. Intermittent operation of heating was investigated.

Development of conservation regulations compression carbon and graphite products

Energy-saving constructions and regulations of the Castner furnaces operation were developed for graphitization of large-sized electrode workbenches, which have no other analogue in Ukraine and reach energy expenses decrease by 20–25 %. Thermal and electrical furnace state was experimentally investigated during graphitization of electrode workbenches with different expansion blocks. It was found out that gasification process of carbon material by water vapor occurs in operation area during graphitization process in the Castner furnace.

Development and investigation of photovoltaic-thermal module based on aluminium heat pipes for the efficient conversion of solar energy to electricity and heat

New technical solution of photovoltaic thermal module for simultaneous conversion of solar energy into heat and electricity was created. The mock-ups of aluminium heat pipes and photovoltaic-thermal module were developed and fabricated during projects. As well thermal tests of aluminium heat pipes, thermal and electrical characteristics of photovoltaics thermal module were performed that confirms the prospect of their application.

Energy-technological complex with operating mode intellectual control and vibration protection using repulsive clathrates

The new results on the base of thermomolecular energetics for energy-technological complex with operating mode intellectual control and vibration protection using repulsive clathrates under the dynamic effects has received. And the devices of effective destruction and protection on this base were created. The new technologies of the repulsive clathrates as the new elements of energy-technological complex construction interaction with the working environment have developed.
