Energy and energy efficiency

Investigation of thermal regulating characteristics of the heat pipe systems for space instrument making

The equations of thermal balance for system « space vehicle – device – thermocontrol system – the space environment» for the thermosensitive device are elaborated with the account of heat transfer, which heat pipes realize. On basis of the analysis of these equations for device boundary conditions a new thermal concept of creation of effective thermal control systems of electronic devices with gas-regulated heat pipes is offered and checked experimentally.

Models of residual life forcasting and astimation of risk of power station equipment failures in the conditions of information illegibility in case of disturbancy in the Electric Power System (EPS)

The complex solving of problems of forecasting of residual life of EPS power stations and subsystems electrical equipment and estimation of risk of power supply reliability decreasing in case of electrical equipment failures is in the conditions of an illegibility, incompleteness of the information and practical absence of the mathematical description of the electric equipment processes with the aim of determining the residual life.

Modeling the integration decision influence in the fuel and energy complex to the possibility of achieving the sustainable economic development of territorial formation

The importance of integration transformations in the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Ukraine in the system of providing steady economic development terms is proved, what foresees the creation of vertically-integrated multisectoral associations. The methodical approach to the formalization of quantitative indexes of integration decisions efficiency with the account of ecological factors and initial positions of complex estimation of micro, mezo and macroeconomic integration processes advantages in FEC are developed.

Development of technology and equipment is for the biotechnological receipt of untraditional power mediums

Technology and experimental equipment is developed for realization of processes of synthesis of biogas. The rational parameters of process are certain at the terms of processing of wastes of agricultural production and communal enterprises. On the basis of the conducted researches hydrodynamics is certain and and transmission of mass of description of processes of biosynthesis of, which take a place in an anaerobic farmantors from immobilisation on inert transmitters microorganism.

Research and Development on High Performance Solar Water Heating Plant of the New Kind and Containing Heat Pipes as a Core

Autonomous storage plant of the new kind for domestic water heating by means of solar energy is the object of the development, and solar thermal collector of the new kind, which contains high-performance heat transfer devices – heat pipes as a core, is the subject of the development. For the first time in Ukraine operating mock-up of the plant, which functions without electric power consumption, has been manufactured; its working thermal efficiency value is within 0.5 – 0.65, and maximal obtainable temperature value of the heated water is 65 C deg.
