Doroshenko A.

A platform for the design, exploitation and development of critical IT infrastructures for the work with big data

A new concept has been created for building a platform for design, operating and developing critical IT infrastructures for “big data”, as well as a number of new models, methods and tools for synthesizing and modeling neural network hardware and software structures that automate the functioning of IT infrastructure components, new methods for structured training of neural networks , tools for adapting programs to achieve the efficiency of parallel programming of systems on homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, models and methods of parallel computing solutions in today's data center

Development of methods and facilities vehicle-programmatic realization of neurocontroller on the basis of the programmable logic integrated circuit for the construction of intellectual control system

Neural network systems belong to the class of intelligent systems and are one of possible variants of adaptive and self-adjusting control systems for complex dynamic objects that can operate under structural, parametric and information uncertainty. These systems are able to control objects of any complexity but have problems with learning and adapting them in real time.