Development of natural gas consumption transducers with the use of computer technology parametric modeling
This work addresses the challenges of designing modern natural gas flow transducers (NGFT) for: measuring the natural gas rate and quantity in the technological preparation systems and natural gas transportation, measuring the natural gas rate utilities with a view to its commercial account when determining the amount of compensation for providing services; measuring natural gas rate, with the technical account in the process of the production.
Assessed the current state and identify trends in natural gas measuring methods flow rate and quantity, analyze and develop technical requirements for modern NGFT; give an estimate of their technical capabilities in the implementation of specific devices in accordance with the requirements put forward. Defined and analyzed the collection of the most important criteria for assessing the effective use of different operating principle NGFT to create a metering rate and the number of high metrological and operational characteristics. Analysis of modern methods, devices and systems for measuring natural gas flow shows that the specified requirements and conditions of the flow measurements of gaseous fuel and energy resources (FER) in the home and industry that best correspond to such techniques: high-speed (with axial turbine sensors), ultrasonic and vortex. Prevalent today NGFT speed with an axial turbine. The analysis showed that the main drawback of such turbine flow transducers (TFT) is friction in the bearings of the sensitive element (SE), a cause of instability in their work and metrological characteristics.To improve the metrological and operational characteristics of TFT new design of the counter with a dynamic balancing SE. As a result of research and analysis methods for bearing unloading SE TFT is the classification of these methods.
A mathematical model of NGFT, which takes into account the relationship of the medium flow, the flow part (measuring chamber) and the SE on the basis of its interaction with the bodies of complex shape, and address further the question of optimal design of such instruments using modern computer technology parametric modeling. In developing the mathematical model were obtained and studied the analytical dependence of the TFT dynamic and static characteristics. The influence on their work of structures geometrical parameters and basic physical and chemical properties of the medium is appreciated.
Formulated and solved the problem of optimizing the design parameters of TFT, using complex algorithms for optimization studies. On the basis of theoretical and experimental research
has developed a system of optimal design, which became the basis for creating design techniques TFT natural gas. The developed system allows: to search for the optimal design NGFT criteria of optimality, to simulate the work NGFT in dynamic mode under the condition of various character changes in flow and in static, changing the geometric parameters of structure and properties of the medium, determined by the nonlinear calibration characteristics of the instrument, to assess sensitivity of the metrological characteristics of TFT to change various parameters defining the source data; shape design TFT, by selecting optimal values of design parameters for the concrete conditions of their use.
The software, which allows the design phase to search for the optimal design of many criteria and parameters to simulate the work NGFT with dynamically balanced SE under steady and transient regimes, to form the device design for specific operating conditions.
Using the results of theoretical and experimental studies, a draft of the technical proposals of the new prototype NGFT with dynamic balancing of the SE, which has a high metrological characteristics in alignment with the existing taxes. Recommendations for the establishment of generalized method of designing NGFT using modern computer technology.