Chernega Dmitriy F.

Development of the process production partially metallized iron-ore burden materials on the base ore-carbonic composition for traditional metallurgical technology

For the reason increasing of metallurgical value charge materials domain production was researched possibility of the reception partly metallize pallets from ore-flux-fuel composition. As main raw material was used iron-ore concentrate Inguleckogo GOKa (64,7 % Fe), with additive coke breeze of fraction 0-3 mm and quicklime, which then mingled and were granulated on plate granulator. Got pellets (with 12-17 % dispersed carbon) after fixing on surface defensive layer by thickness 2,0-2,5 mm from mixture of the concentrate and quicklime (1:1) mingled with solid fuel.

The creation of cast barriered shell for bimetalle and combined hydrogen-storage balloons

Analysis shows modern design balloons from austenitic steels, which they characterizes lack resistance to corrosion in a hydrogen environment. This leads to a «hydrogen degradation» of the vessel wall and loss of hydrogen in environment deference. There exists an technology of manufacturing the protective barrier membranes by coating the inner wall of the silver gold and copper, stainless steel, can prevent the penetration of hydrogen through the walls of the cylinders and to ensure reliability during their operation.