гетерогенна ліофобна система

Thermomolecular accumulator with the new working medium based on heteregenious liophobic system.

The new results were obtained on the principles of thermomolecular energetics (TME) as a new theory of the use of potential energy of intermolecular interaction on developed surfaces in applied applications of accumulators with high specific (volumetric) energy capacity, with less consumption of structural materials. Three samples of the new type of accumulator with a high specific energy capacity have been created, which work on the principles of thermomolecular energetics using heterogeneous lyophobic systems as a new working media.

Energy-technological complex with operating mode intellectual control and vibration protection using repulsive clathrates

The new results on the base of thermomolecular energetics for energy-technological complex with operating mode intellectual control and vibration protection using repulsive clathrates under the dynamic effects has received. And the devices of effective destruction and protection on this base were created. The new technologies of the repulsive clathrates as the new elements of energy-technological complex construction interaction with the working environment have developed.