Програмне середовище

Development of methods and facilities vehicle-programmatic realization of neurocontroller on the basis of the programmable logic integrated circuit for the construction of intellectual control system

Neural network systems belong to the class of intelligent systems and are one of possible variants of adaptive and self-adjusting control systems for complex dynamic objects that can operate under structural, parametric and information uncertainty. These systems are able to control objects of any complexity but have problems with learning and adapting them in real time.

System researches and applications of the diagnostics facilities for the analysis of the explosions influence on the iron-ore careers of the Crooked Horn on building

The analysis of the modern state of program and technical operative diagnostics facilities of the building objects stress-deformed state under difficult engineer-geological and seismic conditions is conducted. The theoretic-methodology ground of experimental methods of complex geophysical researches of the litodynamic earthly surface processes for industrial explosions on an iron-ore quarry the "South ore mining enterprise" is executed.