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Development and research of aluminum heat pipes with threaded capillary structure for cooling LED lighting devices.

For lighting in the world, 19 to 22% of the generated electricity is consumed. The introduction of energy-saving technologies in lighting systems will provide significant energy savings and improve the environmental state by reducing emissions of thermal power plants in the environment. One way to save energy in lighting is to switch to LED lighting. Light output of LED light sources is 10 times higher than the light output of incandescent lamps and 2 times - compact fluorescent lamps containing mercury.

Development and research of energy-saving LED chandeliers with heat pipes for indoor lighting.

Up to 30% of the produced electricity is being spent on the lighting in Ukraine. Therefore, the problem of energy saving in lighting stands very seriously. Introduction of energy-saving technologies in the internal lighting systems will provide significant energy savings and improve the ecological condition by reducing atmospheric discharges of thermal power plants.