Development of manufacturing technique of products from reinforced ceramic composites for tribotechnical and tool purpose
The technology of manufacturing of powder of superhard and high-strength ceramic materials by directional crystallization of eutectic alloys of B4C-TiB2, LaB6-ТіB2, Mo-Si-B systems in conditions of zone melting and centrifugal spraying was developed. It is found that the change of the process parameters allows obtaining the powders with particle size of 40-500 microns, a spherical shape and narrow particle size distribution. The properties of the powders were investigated and it is shown the prospects of their use for the manufacture of ceramic and metal-ceramic composites of multifunctional purpose and effective use of technology in gas-thermal spraying. The technology of manufacturing of powder with naked inclusions on the particle surface was developed, which allows to increase in 2-3 times the strength of both the bulk composites and coatings due to the reinforcement of the grain boundaries. The ceramic and metal matrix composites from the eutectic powders were produced. The metal matrix composite based on eutectic B4C-TiB2 powder and titanium-reinforced matrix, which showed improved mechanical and functional characteristics in experimental trials in heavy abrasion was developed. Due to the reinforcement in the composite the self-sharpening effect was developed and observed. It can significantly increase the time of continuous operation of cutting parts and thus significantly improve the performance of cutting, which makes the material competitive in market of cutting materials.
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