Development and implementation of IT infrastructure management system with consolidated informational and computing resources
An efficiency, reliability and quality of IT infrastructure service delivery are increased at key stages of its life cycle, primarily at its operation and development stages, through the development and implementation of management system that provides the monitoring of system parameters taking into account the mathematical and information models and methods of analysis, structure synthesis and IT infrastructure operation management.
A problem-oriented information technology of corporate IT infrastructure management with consolidated information and computing resources was developed. A decomposition-compensation method of the service level management in corporate IT infrastructures was offered. Mathematical models and methods of analysis of IT infrastructures and their components was developed, primarily the performance parameters and parameters of the state of the IT infrastructure elements, models and methods of effective IT infrastructure resource allocation based on clustering, planning and scheduling of resources taking into account the importance of the processes that consume resources, prototypes of the basic components of technology-aided management of large IT infrastructure exploitation. An information technology for the IT infrastructures management was created. It is based on mathematical models of assessment of object states, which is intended for monitoring and rapid response to real-time events that occur in the IT infrastructure. Using agent-based approach and taking into account the importance of the business processes and resource utilization policy, the mechanisms of consolidate resources management of IT infrastructure and the mechanisms for the IT infrastructure resource allocation in conditions of their deficit, excess, consolidation and virtualization was developed, thus improving the efficiency of resource use while maintaining the agreed level of service.
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