Development of resource saving system of power supply of cubeSat nano-satellites with thermal control solar cells
As a result of the work, an energy saving power supply system was created for the university space vehicle - nanosatellite (NS) PolyITAN-2 of the 2U CubeSat format when solving an important applied task - full-scale nanosatellite measurements of the parameters of the lower Earth thermosphere in the international project "QB50". Energy saving is a necessary condition of long period of functioning of NS. Research was conducted on optimization methods for generating initial data for the cyclograms of the operation of the power management and control subsystem, taking into account energy limitations for each of the subsystems of the electronic platform, and means were developed to maximize the nanosatellite energy reserve.
Methods for the nanosatellite energy reserve provision optimizing while minimizing energy costs have been developed, and algorithms for constructing the cyclograms of the power supply system have been created, taking into account the energy consumption of the NS simultaneously in all the time intervals its location in orbit.
Primary goals which are solved during performance of work for purpose achievement:
1) development of basic and functional circuits for control and monitoring of electronic cards for subsystems of generation, storage and conversion of electric power;
2) wiring and manufacturing of electronic boards of power supply systems and development of their software;
3) development of control schedules with the following issuance to the control command subsystem;
4) maintenance of thermal modes of elements of systems of power supplies NS in the conditions of space action;
5) simulation of the power supply system for verification and adjustment of the NA subsystems and their software.
6) development of software for testing the system;
7) complex tests of the improved power supply system with other satellite systems;
8) autonomous and complex ground tests of an improved power supply system in a thermal chamber under the influence of cosmic factors.
9) practical testing and operation of the system as part of a nanosatellite in a near-earth orbit.
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