System for ultrasonic cavitation water treatment

A clear analysis of the efficient cavitation technologies and ultrasonic cavitation technological possession and the possible way to improve the efficiency of technological processes for the development of the stem of the cavitators with the high intensity of the ultrasound intensity
Found the main types of microorganisms, which can be present at the bacterially obstructed middle.
Carrying out prior microbiological follow-up to the flow of ultrasonic examination on microorganisms from the exemptions of the current acts.
The breakdown of mathematical models made it possible to carry out a numerical simulation of robotic concentrators in acoustic cabins near a rural environment.
The revised hydraulic scheme made it possible to carry out preliminary studies for the injection of ultrasonic cavitation on microorganisms in the process of flowing through the basic parameters of the system.
Carrying on osnovі experiental doslіdzhennyah on viznachennyu optimally parametrіv vise that tipіv vikoristanih in konstruktsії kavіtatsіynogo obladnannya materіalіv, nadanі rekomendatsії Zi stvorennya kavіtatsіynih flow-through chambers, yakih for rakhunok kontsentratsії Ultrasonic Oscillations Oscillations zabezpechuєtsya Visoka іntensivnіst that dovgovіchnіst vipromіnyuyuchih poverhon in Minds kavіtuyuchogo seredovischa.
The proponation of ultrasonic cavities for the final stage of water preparation of swimming pools. On the buttstock of a specific butt, we carried out the appropriate design with the selection of the necessary possession.
An experimental advancement of the processes of ultrasonic treatment and ultrasonic filtration was carried out on the butts of a practical fixation in special mortgages, with respect to all types of acts.
It has been revised and reconverted to the proprietary design of the flow-through cavitator for the infection of small volumes of water.

System for ultrasonic cavitation water treatment
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