Completed research works
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» 2014
Automating the monitoring of geological environment in the zone of influence of NPP construction
Create an electrochemical source for hydrogen sulfide mikroflow of monitoring and prevention of air pollution
Creating a Research and Training an IT environment of university with complex research and development of competitive technologies and materials of nanoelectronics and nanotechnology
Creation of control and measuring system for support of ultrahigh accuracy at production of precision details of devices
Development and implementation of series of precision wideband system oriented AC voltage multimeter
Development and research of the two-phase medium-temperature thermosyphon for the implementation of the waste streams heat recovery in the pumping units of the gas pipeline
Development methodology prediction structure and properties of the metal in the casting of iron-based alloys with high chromium content
Development new resource saving technology of recovery wastes of alumina and titania industries in commercial product
Development of effective technologies based on modern automated operating systems of quality control instrument manufacturing products
Development of IR methods and (the technological control systems) means of process monitoring of humidity of cellulose – paper materials under high-temperature conditions of production
Development of methodological principles of intellectualization of processes of generation and distribution of electricity in integrated systems with active consumer
Development of methods and facilities vehicle-programmatic realization of neurocontroller on the basis of the programmable logic integrated circuit for the construction of intellectual control system
Development of methods and techniques for optimal design of unmanned aviation complex for industrial and ecological monitoring of the environment
Development of models and methods integrated management systems for effective energy education facilities
Development of principles, methods and schemes of transmission, receiving and processing of signals with a total bandwidth 1-10 GHz
Development of resource-saving technologies of recycling of domestic non-woody plant material in cellulose containing production
Development of scientific fundamentals of building of multi-level voltage inverters for alternative power sources in the system Smart Grid
Development of software for risk operating analysis of electric power subsystems with nuclear power plants
Development of the complex smart monitoring system construction elements at the operation
Development of the generalized lifetime prediction method for composite structural elements at complex low-cycle loading with damage
Development of theoretical basics, methods and tools for design of modern high speed computer systems in Grid and Cloud systems
Dispersion-stabilized hydrocarbon oligomers and their potential for nanospintronics
Dual-frequency microstrip antenna array for the navigational system with the ability to suppress the active jammers
Fundamental principles of the new creation methods for the synthesis of nanocomposites and nanostructured materials with specified functional properties (Comprehensive Project)
Fundamentals of vector-controlled alternative current electromechanical systems with rolling pair kinematics
Geotechnical complex with intellectual adaptive device of impuls action for executive rocks and extraction minerals
Heat transfer and aerodynamics of complicated profiled heat transfer surfaces
Heat transfer physical process at miniaturization an evaporation-condensing thermal stabilization systems
Heterogeneous environment with dynamic architecture for high-performance data processing in distributed information systems
Implementation of the clouds computing in education and creation of the virtual computer research and training laboratory for universities
Increased productivity of manufacturing products in the processes of sheet metal forming
Investigation of the dynamic properties of the newest semicoductor nanomaterials and nanocomponents
Mechanisms of intensification of sorption process of heavy metal ions by the magnetically controlled biosorbents for the purification of the waste water
Methods and means of reliability increasing and information stability of the multiprocessor systems for objects of critical assignment
Methods of increasing of wireless ad-hoc networks throughput using telecommunication aerial platforms
Methods of the organization of information-analytical systems for intellectual technology support of system electronic educational resource
Modeling the economic development strategy of enterprises in a socially oriented economy Ukraine
Modern methods of analysis and synthesis of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
Optimization of power consumption shaft fixed installations with the use of diagnostic tools is their energy efficiency
Phase and structural transformations in the composite nanostructural quasicrystalline aluminium alloys under severe plastic deformation, pressure and temperature
Photobioelectrochemical conversion of wastes and raw material to produce electricity and energy carriers
Portable multifunctional objective auditory screening system based on DSP and modern "network-on-chip" technology
Pseudo-regular and special functions and their application to problems of stochastic analysis
Research of adaptive methods of increase of efficiency of broadband radioaccess systems
Research of ultra wideband impulse radio signals properties and development of self-organizing radio networks based on these signals and terminals for them.
Scientific and technological bases of receipt and treatment of the effective adapted blanks at the complex use of processes of local orbital forging
Spectral characteristics of magnetically ordered low-dimensional nano- and micro-objects in the exchange mode
Synthesis and constructive implementation of signal-code structures in chanels with multiposition manipulation in satellite and radio relay communication
System control by the operability, the survivability and the safety of the complex technical systems in the conditions of different nature uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors
Technological bases of grinding of non-rigid details with a comhlex surface
Terahertz broadband telecommunications system radio access with Gigabit bandwidth
The development of highly efficient and environmentally friendly burner system fired utility power
The development of information technology for modeling and evaluating the financial and economic risks with accounting of the uncertainties of different nature (based on Bayesian models)
The development of resources and energy saving measures in the electrode production
The development of the formula of fire-resistant fettling and heat insulation of the furnaces in the electrode production
The development of the technology of combustible waste and alternative fuel gases using on the basis of their high effective burning
The functional and biocompatible composition coverages formation on Ti- and Fe-alloys, with hardened by carbon nanotubes and intrusion elements, at the terms of extreme power influences
The general theory of information technology software design hobs
The size effects in the structures based on silicon carbide
Theoretical substantiation of principles of construction of the diagnostic medical equipment and technology of its application
Thermal stability and operating reliability of nanosized metal films on insulators and semi-conductors
Twist drills computer aided design
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