Information system of end-milling cutters designing
Among of existing great quantity of different automatic designing systems of the cutting tool, any of them doesn't correspond to the system of the automated designing cutting tool conditions, all of them are practically reduced to systems providing computer graphics.
Thus, modern system of the automated designing systems of the cutting tool at the software products market are practically absent. At the same time efficiency and reliability of automatic systems wide using in manufacture can be considerably increased on the creation of raised productivity tool which could consider the features of his operation and manufacturing.
System of the automated designing creation of end-milling cutters give not only possibilities to analyze the different variants but also the choice of more expedient variant, creation the system of automatic designing of end-milling cutters with more rational geometrical parameters of a cutting part with subsystems of the dynamic firmness analysis, the analysis of technological manufacturing conditions of such mills which provide the set operational parameters.
The information system of designing end-milling cutters has been developed. The system of the automated designing of a cutting part of end-milling cutters was developed on its base, the theoretical base of its geometrical maintenance was developed which considers some features of tool designing and operating. For the first time the structure and algorithm of the system of the automated designing of a cutting part of end-milling cutters was developed. It is consist of geometrical parameters module analysis of a tool cutting part that provides a milling cutter geometry choice by features of their design, operation and manufacturing technology. Computer program DAC TM was developed, which realizes given information system of end-milling cutters designing.