
Heat transfer and fluid dynamics in miniature two-phase heat transfer systems

For the first time a comprehensive study of the processes of heat transfer and hydrodynamics during evaporation and condensation in closed miniature two-phase systems was carried out. The regularities of the influence of geometric and regime factors on the thermal resistance and maximum heat fluxes of miniature heat pipes, thermosyphons and pulsating capillary heat pipes are revealed. The physical model of heat exchange processes in the conditions of limited space at application as heat carriers of ordinary liquids and nanofluids is developed and presented.

The processes of vapor generating in closed miniature evaporation-condensation systems with new coolants for space purposes

A complex study of heat transfer processes in constrained conditions in evaporative-condensation systems was carried out for the first time. A physical model of the boiling process on porous surfaces in conditions of limited space was developed and presented. Dependencies for calculating the heat transfer intensity under such conditions have been obtained. Such dependencies are necessary to create miniature cooling systems for microchips and powerful processors of electronic equipment.