Вуглецеві нанотрубки

Fundamental principles of the new creation methods for the synthesis of nanocomposites and nanostructured materials with specified functional properties (Comprehensive Project)

A new fundamental scientific concept of purposeful synthesis of metal oxides and nanocomposites «metal oxide/multiwalled carbon nanotubes» structure with controlled and predetermined properties, which may be used as photocatalysts and electrocatalysts, energy conversion devices is created. Conceptual bases of alternative methods (high-temperature electrochemical synthesis and recovery metallothermal) direct synthesis of nanostructured silicides metals VI-B group are proposed.

The functional and biocompatible composition coverages formation on Ti- and Fe-alloys, with hardened by carbon nanotubes and intrusion elements, at the terms of extreme power influences

For the first time the scientific basis of a fundamentally new method of forming biocompatible (titanium alloy) coating of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in polycrystalline silicon oxide layers with nickel and iron catalytic centers are obtained by CVD for implants, dentures support-the driving apparatus of human and medical instruments were developed. For the first time a model of physical and chemical processes of the composite coatings formation under laser irradiation of CNT substrates with pre-coated with a layer of hydroxyapatite powder were proposed.