Напружено-деформований стан

Development of innovative technologies for stamping shell casings for artillery shells for industrial enterprises of Ukraine

The project is designed to develop the latest, competitive technologies and designs of stamping equipment for the manufacture of artillery shells, which is relevant to increase Ukraine's defense capabilities. Technology development is performed in two directions. The first age includes increased productivity and cost reduction through the use of the latest developments in hot extrusion of hollow semi-finished products and hot and cold stamping by drawing with thinning and crimping at the end of operations.

Development of a method for predicting carrying capacity and temperature stability of space vehicles platform

A simulation model was developed for the first time. That model takes into account variable temperature gradients, the scheme of reinforcement of multilayer PCM under conditions of complex dynamic and vibration load. For the first time, a phenomenological model of scattered destruction of anisotropic structural materials was developed. The main thermopower parameters of the operational load and the anisotropy coefficient were taken into account. A new method for estimating the strength of bolted joints of composite panels has been developed.

Creation of methods for designing the processes of shaping engineering structures under viscoplastic deformation of homogeneous, eutectic strengthened and powder materials

In this work, using a unified theoretical approach, the analysis of the processes of visco-plastic forming of typical mechanical engineering structures with homogeneous and structurally heterogeneous materials. The theoretical approach is based on a closed system of equations of the theory of plastic flow of continuum mechanics, taking into account the visco-plastic properties of materials. This approach made it possible to provide system design of structural forming processes.

Development of the generalized lifetime prediction method for composite structures at complex low-cycle loading conditions with taking into account damage

The main result of the work is the development of generalizing phenomenological models of damage for anisotropic CM under static and cyclic loading conditions. A tensor of the damage
parameters for different CM’s and its invariants are shown. The methodology and the corresponding experimental data of CM’s mechanical characteristics for static and low cyclic loading conditions was obtained. Parameters of the developed model was calculated. The dependence of the damage parameters on the anisotropy CM is obtained. It makes it possible to