Modeling the integration decision influence in the fuel and energy complex to the possibility of achieving the sustainable economic development of territorial formation

The importance of integration transformations in the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Ukraine in the system of providing steady economic development terms is proved, what foresees the creation of vertically-integrated multisectoral associations. The methodical approach to the formalization of quantitative indexes of integration decisions efficiency with the account of ecological factors and initial positions of complex estimation of micro, mezo and macroeconomic integration processes advantages in FEC are developed.

The modeling of pricing-made and creating of prognoses pricing models in Oil - Energetic complex of Ukraine

There are created a generalization, to organizational and economic mechanisms of functioning and held algorithmic description of the processes which are taking place in the market complex. There are proposed a theoretical and methodological positions that define the complex, struck-round pricing of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, also a most acceptable model for its functioning on the nature and extent of state influence-Woo.