Development of a method for predicting carrying capacity and temperature stability of space vehicles platform
A simulation model was developed for the first time. That model takes into account variable temperature gradients, the scheme of reinforcement of multilayer PCM under conditions of complex dynamic and vibration load. For the first time, a phenomenological model of scattered destruction of anisotropic structural materials was developed. The main thermopower parameters of the operational load and the anisotropy coefficient were taken into account. A new method for estimating the strength of bolted joints of composite panels has been developed. The formula for estimating the stress concentration factor for this type of connections is obtained and substantiated.
Algorithms for vibration analysis of the space platform sotopanel power platform design during launch into Earth orbit have been developed. The technique is created and the finite-element modelling of the behaviour of the structure with composite materials under the conditions of complex thermopower operational load for the stages of output and operation in Earth orbit is carried out. For conditions of complex stress state, the deformation criterion of fracture at the stage of macrocrack formation is obtained, which considers the influence of two fracture mechanisms (separation and shear) and the scalar parameter of material damage. Based on the energy approach to the process of material destruction, a generalized method for assessing the durability of structural elements containing stress concentrators (deformations). Based on the calculations in ANSYS APDL, the characteristics of stress-strain state are determined and the strength of the panel of the body of the payload unit of the spacecraft type "Sich-2M" at loads that occur during the launch into orbit of the spacecraft (acceleration, harmonic and random vibration);
A method for accepting the justification of finite-element models of thermally dimensionally stable power structures of high-resolution scanners for modern spacecraft has been developed. The technique of numerical modelling of stress-strain state of thermostable power elements of the spacecraft was developed. Where technological features of manufacturing of PCM were taken into account.
Method of calculating the fastening joints of parts with PCM with taking into account the actual geometric dimensions, symmetry planes, tolerances of the fastener/hole, the structure of PCM, the contact interaction of the individual components of the fastener and the friction between them was improved. Features of the selection of PCM for the purpose of optimization of contact efforts on a surface of apertures and lateral surfaces of fastening elements were established;
The practical significance of the obtained research results was confirmed by the creation of real power structures high-resolution scanners for spacecraft "Sich-2M" with the relevant act of implementation and economic contract issues with Yuzhnoye State Design Office.
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