Cybercrime prevention system in opened information resources at the stage of content formation
“Public information in the form of open data” is public information in a format that makes it possible to carry out its automated processing by electronic means, open and free access to it, as well as its further using. Information managers are required to provide public information in the form of open data upon request, to publish and regularly update it on a state open data web portal and on their websites. Such information is permitted for its further free copying, publication, use and distribution. In such circumstances, potential attackers using data analysis methods can detect hidden patterns, data distribution structures, identify and gain direct access to information with limited access, if such data is contained in open data, even in an implicit form. Even removing the corresponding attributes before the publication of data does not guarantee the safety of information. Methods of ensuring group data anonymity make it possible to protect information about groups of people, for example, information about territorial and other types of distributions. Taking into account the large number of open information resources in Ukraine, namely: websites of legal entities and individuals, databases, state and corporate registries, information repositories and information collectors, resources of public organizations and social networks, etc., in which open data is posted, which may contain information with limited access, the task of ensuring the protection of such information is an urgent need. The application of methods and means of technical protection of information for such task is simply impossible, since the data is open and accessible to a wide range of users. Thus, the urgent and appropriate is the task of developing models, methods and information technologies that will create a system for preventing cybercrime in open information resources. Mathematical models have been developed to ensure individual and group anonymity of microfiles (for data that may contain information with limited access) and methods to ensure anonymity of data that do not provide for expert participation in assessing the quality of the results obtained. The structural representation and architecture of information technology for preventing cybercrime in open information resources at the stage of content formation was also developed. In accordance with State standards, the organizational, informational, mathematical and technical support of information technology for preventing cybercrime in open information resources at the stage of content formation using individual and group anonymization methods at the level of absolute and relative data has been developed. The use of this information technology will significantly expand the number of data sets available for public research, which, in turn, will significantly reduce subjectivity during the planning of socio-economic development of the country.

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