Design and implementation of the virtual service platforms clouds technologies in virtual personal cabinet service for scientists
The essence of the design is to create the remote access system of user to the means his own work cabinet with implementing the clouds computing services and providing the virtual presence effect.
Рrovide by that the possibility for executing in remote mode on the server the applications executing in local real cabinet. Рrovide access from virtual personal cabinet (VPC) in local and remote mode to the clouds services. These are SaaS – access to the software, PaaS – access to the virtual computers, IaaS – creating and control of the information Infrastructure.
By that don’t restrict the possibility of the VPC – provide the interactive audio-video intercourse, utilize the local phone and national mobile communication. Рrovide the access to the local audio-video streaming, control and monitoring difference technical means for science experiments.
Were design two VPC structure, which different in function and security level. First structure based on terminal server, second structure – on personal virtual computer. For achieve full functionality the system was equipped by the hardware and software and integrated into university cloud.
The essential difference from proposed in Internet virtual cabinets - its wide functionality, able for add new services and by user too and providing the virtual presence the remote user on the workplace with possibilities of the local cabinet.
It was designed the structure hardware and software for implementation VPC in university cloud.
It was proposed the set of hardware for equipping of the remote user workstation.
For connection to VPC system the technical means of the science experiments and possibility for remote control it was investigated the possibility for moving over Internet the USB interface.
It was designed pilot version of the VPC system based on virtual computer in university cloud .
Was proposed the system realization in future based on distributed operation system (DiOS).
Was designed the conceptual project of the DiOS and was analyzed the DiOS prototypes as MOSIX and another. Use DiOS with graphic support and means of effective process interaction over internet channels will give in the future many possibilities. This may be the possibility significantly extend the function of the system; improve the effectiveness of the science laboratories. DiOS will give the good computer resources utilization, effective process distribution between server and workstation.
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