Development of technology of echoscreening of newborns for diagnostics of diseases of an ear
It is offered new complex mathematical model of an ear of the person which considers structurally-physiological properties of an ear of the newborn child that has allowed to carry out modelling of object of research and to reproduce procedures of passage and generation in it an echo-signals of otoacoustical emission. Ways of improvement are certain and is synthesized new patentable structure of echoscreener, that is achieved by realization of the wireless interface, use of modern DSP-technologies, the audiocodec, functional converters and development of the necessary software. Models of signals caused detained otoacoustacal emission and on frequency of a product of distortion are synthesized, is created model of a composit signal with handicapes of a bioelectric origin and on frequency of a network. It has allowed to lead modelling of processes in a path of measurement of echoscreener on the basis of its developed Simulink- model, and also to define optimum parameters of parts of the measuring channel depending on accuracy and speed of means. It is offered an original design of an acoustic probe of echoscreener and it is proved a choice of its functional converters. Are developed schematic and algorithmic decisions of construction of echoscreener which realize the offered structure, that has allowed to develop on the basis of a prototype of means technology of hearing echoscreening of newborns, having created that preconditions for the decision of a problem of early diagnostics of losses of hearing in newborn children. It is offered and is experimentally approved a new method of definition of metrological characteristics of a prototype of echoscreener which can be put in a basis of creation uniform for metrological services of Ukraine of a method of checking of the given kind of audiologic means on the basis of the offered calibration scheme.