Theoretical and technological principles of management by the special properties of the high- alloyed alloys for the poured details of the especially responsible setting

New approaches are developed to determination of chemical composition of alloys for making of the poured details from heat-resistant and wearproof alloys on the basis of iron. Smallalloying and modifying elements, their action, are certain on properties of alloys and optimum correlations for work of the poured details in extreme terms. The methods of determination of kinetics of oxidization of heat-resistant alloys are developed in different aggressive environments, them firmness against oxidization , heat-resistance, steady to growth and wearproof.

The Stress Monitoring System for the Main Pipeline, Based on Magnetic Elastic Method

The monitoring system includes equipment, methods, and software. It was designed for the following purposes: Measurement of mechanical stress within the main pipeline, located in potentially dangerous areas. Transmission of measurement data into operator’s server. Graphical representation of the current stress distribution in a horizontal axis of a pipeline. Graphical representation of stress changes in the points of measurement over time.

Creation on besed Wavelet-transform of information measurement system for voicedata estimation and protection

One of the most informative human speech-creating organ for speech recognition problem is voice source that effects basic tone frequency of speech signal. According to researches, human hearing system uses basic tone frequency for speech recognition with high reliability, but it is sensitive to low-frequency noises – so appeared idea to use spectral characteristics of speech signal segments, where extremums of correlation function can be found, as additional features.

Investigation of modern semiconductor nanodevices and nanocomponents of integral circuits, based on 1D and 2D structures

Estimations for the dynamical properties of tree-nitrides compounds (InN, GaN, AlN) were obtained, using semi-analytical expressions for momentum and energy mean free times in strong fields. Field-temperature dependences, occupation of the valleys, velocity-field charactistics in strong fields with different modifications of crystal lattice (cubic and hexagonal) were calculated. These results were compared with existent experimental data, calculated by other authors.

The elaboration organosolvent methods of obtaining and using the pulp from the agricultural plants in pulp and paper industry

Fractional and chemical composition, microscopic structure of various representatives of non- wood plant Ukrainian material was investigated. The necessity of using new crops for obtaining fibrous semi-finished products for needs of pulp and paper industry was well-founded. The influence of main technological factors (temperature, duration, consumption of basic chemicals) of obtaining fibrous semi-finished products to their physical and mechanical performance was investigated.

Ecologically safe complex impulse and wave action for development deposit and extraction mineral

Created and introduced a theory, applied in practice of impulse and wave destruction and also system of adaptive management of process of impuls and wave destruction of rocks. On the basis of the applied theory are developed new executive powers of impulse and wave action and technology with use of the given theory.

Methods and means of reliability increasing and information stability of the multiprocessor systems for objects of critical assignment

Reliability improvement of multiprocessor systems (MS) designed for controlling sophisticated objects, in particular those of critical purpose, is achieved in a variety of ways, which are discussed in this work, by introducing different types of redundancy, in particular temporal and hardware redundancies, and most often – by the fault-tolerant design of the system. The minimum number of additional processors required to increase the reliability (probability of operation without failure) of the system to the desired level is estimated.

Development of methods and facilities vehicle-programmatic realization of neurocontroller on the basis of the programmable logic integrated circuit for the construction of intellectual control system

Neural network systems belong to the class of intelligent systems and are one of possible variants of adaptive and self-adjusting control systems for complex dynamic objects that can operate under structural, parametric and information uncertainty. These systems are able to control objects of any complexity but have problems with learning and adapting them in real time.

Modern methods of analysis and synthesis of cryptographic algorithms and protocols

The purpose of the work is to assess the effectiveness of encryption for certain types of cryptosystems, obtaining estimates of their relative resistance against attacks depending on the environment in which they operate, and to use new methods to improve cryptographic protection of information according to different models of computation and prospects of modern trends of cryptanalysis and сomputer abilities.
