Heterogeneous environment with dynamic architecture for high-performance data processing in distributed information systems

The analysis of the status and problems arising in the provision of services in global networks, particularly in systems Cloud Computing and Grid, as well as models, methods and algorithms to provide services and their pricing shown that the existing number of bottlenecks in the system to provide services in a global environment for ISPs and telecom operators, including call processing systems, query processing in data сetre and charging, since the lack of facilities the end user can not pick up service.

Creating a Research and Training an IT environment of university with complex research and development of competitive technologies and materials of nanoelectronics and nanotechnology

Developed the architecture of the scientific and educational IT - environment of the university, its hardware-software complex and structure for integration of major subsystems and equipment - registration server, server for data processing and analysis of the results of field experiments, the server access to the resources of the IT environment, subsystems for forming processing results requests of users, components of resource management system appropriate repositories and databases as a server backup, web Access server to generate web messages to connect to webinars.

System control by the operability, the survivability and the safety of the complex technical systems in the conditions of different nature uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors

There is proposed system control by operability, survivability and safety of complex technical systems (CTS) under the influence of destabilizing risk factors, the conceptual and information uncertainty as the system of timely decisions making on operational prevent potential accident and catastrophic situations.

The application of modern information technology to create intelligent technology systems and technologies, and the creation of means to improve manufacturing quality products

An integrated system that will use modern information technology in solving technological preparation is developed. For its implementation at the system level, new approaches using information technology, consisting in the choice of new methods for modeling and optimization, which can most effectively solve any technological problem, reduce the time s technological preparation to improve its quality.

Dual-frequency microstrip antenna array for the navigational system with the ability to suppress the active jammers

Planar dual-frequency microstrip antenna array with circular polarization was developed. Antenna array is optimized for the application in digital adaptive receiving system of satellite navigational signals GPS/GLONASS. The design of antenna array provides the manufacturing on dual layer microstrip subtrate of 10 compact ring radiators with circular polarization: 4+4 peripheral for each of the frequency bands L1 GLONASS (1593…1608) and L2 GLONASS (1237…1254 MHz) and 2 central radiators for the L1 GLONASS/GPS (1570-1608 MHz) та L2 GLONASS/GPS (1226 – 1254 MHz).

Methods of increasing of wireless ad-hoc networks throughput using telecommunication aerial platforms

It is proposed a method for operational planning and re-planning of telecommunication aeroplatform network topology that allows through the optimal placement of drones in space to create such a network structure, which has a large throughput. It is proposed a method for the rapid deployment of telecommunication aeroplatform networks that allows using wireless sensor networks quickly gather data about the current coordinates of mobile subscribers and through a specially designed remote control devices to direct the position of unmanned aerial vehicles to achieve the desired throughput.

Synthesis and constructive implementation of signal-code structures in chanels with multiposition manipulation in satellite and radio relay communication

The proposed recommendations for implementing constructive signal code constructions in modems used in radio relay and satellite communications. Developed documentation support for implementation of the proposed modems in the production process of PJSC "ELMIZ."

Jet and cavitation devices forimprovement of energy efficient mechatronic systems in machinebuilding

Іn this paper a new approach to the basic parameters choice of controlled spherical liquid friction supports spatial mechanisms using the Monte Carlo method is developed. A jet system adjusts the position of the sphere by changing the hydrodynamic resistance to flow at the exit slit hydrostatic, or combined balloon aerohydrostatic spherical bearings.

Design of processing technique reception and research of features application porous and nanoporous silicon for creation highly effective nanostructural photo-electric converters

Designed and implemented technology of nanoporous silicon. A basic principles and criteria of structural and technological parameters of photovoltaic cells combined type of inversion channel (value embedded positive charge in the dielectric, the density of surface states at the insulator-semiconductor boundary, the depth of electron-hole transition doping level domains base and emittera).
