Terahertz broadband telecommunications system radio access with Gigabit bandwidth

The principles and hardware / software solutions to build a telecommunication system broadband Internet access with Gigabit bandwidth in the frequency range 128-134 GHz to solve congestion frequency bands used today, a substantial increase in the data rate of wireless radio access systems, and the creation of ultra high radio relay lines of the new generation.

Phase and structural transformations in the composite nanostructural quasicrystalline aluminium alloys under severe plastic deformation, pressure and temperature

On the base of the results determined by using modern physical material science methods scientific principles referred to relationships for combined effect of sever plastic deformation and temperature on diffusive processes, phase transformation, evolution of structure and thermal stability of mechanical properties of nanostructured composite Al alloys reinforced by ultra fine particles of metastable quasicrystalline phases has been developed for the first time.

Development of scientific fundamentals of building of multi-level voltage inverters for alternative power sources in the system Smart Grid

New conception of building of industrial multi-level autonomous invertors on the base of spectral orthogonal transforms of discrete functions with m-ary argument and m-ary counting system. Means and devices to compensate reactive load power for autonomous multi-level invertors are developed. Method for building of energy-supply systems on the base of multi-level invertors and parallel filter-compensating devices is proposed. Structure of power part and control system of three-phase autonomous invertors and system for providing of assigned value of non-symmetry factor are developed.

Sol-gel synthesis of nanomaterials based on layered silicates for toxicants removal from waters

Highly effective sorbent materials were received with the help of modification of their surface by quaternary ammonium salts, inorganic polyhydroxocomplexes of metals and iron compounds for water purification contaminated with heavy metals and natural radionuclides. There were defined the basic principles of nanomaterials' synthesis on the base of dispersions of layered silicates with specified physical and chemical characteristics and structure.

Implementation of the clouds computing in education and creation of the virtual computer research and training laboratory for universities

Were developed the software and technical basis of the virtual computer lab (VL) based on cloud technology. The main difference from the cloud services offered by the Internet in recent years - the advanced features for users with the ability to use interactive physical laboratory tools from both the server and client-side depth management of virtual machines and infrastructures.

The development of information technology for modeling and evaluating the financial and economic risks with accounting of the uncertainties of different nature (based on Bayesian models)

A new technique of the data mining was proposed that combines the causal networks and methods for risk assessment in the form of stochastic volatility models. The approach includes the following stages: (1) definition and classification process critical elements under study, in order to identify and characterize risk factors; (2) constructing causal model in the form of believe Bayesian networks; (3) create a set of candidates scenarios process; (4) modeling and evaluating the risks of the critical factors based on Bayesian stochastic volatility models using methods of optimal filtering.

Development of principles, methods and schemes of transmission, receiving and processing of signals with a total bandwidth 1-10 GHz

The country is increasingly developing high-speed railway traffic comfortable express trains, highways are built for high-speed vehicles. The velocity of these objects reach 200-300 km / h, respectively. There is therefore a need to ensure passenger services 4G. The purpose of this project is to develop principles, methods and schemes of transmission, reception and processing of signals with a total operating frequency band 1-10 GHz and 4G services to subscribers in mobile terminals (MT), moving in carpool and express train at a speed of 300 to 200 km / h.

Research of adaptive methods of increase of efficiency of broadband radioaccess systems

The new link adaptation method was created based on multicriteria channel state estimates with fuzzy logic mathematical apparatus. Matching link adaptation algorithms were created with usage of unusual improved fuzzy inference algorithm based on both link state energy estimations and multicriteria estimations (energetical, probabilistical, and statistical). The rules of membership function construction were determined. They are constructed by direct methods based on simulation results or laboratory measurements of stationary channel immunity.

Fundamental principles of the new creation methods for the synthesis of nanocomposites and nanostructured materials with specified functional properties (Comprehensive Project)

A new fundamental scientific concept of purposeful synthesis of metal oxides and nanocomposites «metal oxide/multiwalled carbon nanotubes» structure with controlled and predetermined properties, which may be used as photocatalysts and electrocatalysts, energy conversion devices is created. Conceptual bases of alternative methods (high-temperature electrochemical synthesis and recovery metallothermal) direct synthesis of nanostructured silicides metals VI-B group are proposed.

The general theory of information technology software design hobs

Given the nature of the process of hobbing developed a general theory of information technology software design hobs, which is the basis for creating a new level of CAD this tool. Creation of CAD based on it will allow the design stage hobs by determining the effect of process parameters and design parameters of gear milling tool accuracy and performance gear cutters to predict not only the accuracy of the wheels with less of their production, and to develop new and more progressive design hobs.
