Peresada S.M.

Next Generation of the Highly Efficient Traction Electromechanical Systems With Permanent Magnets Free Motors

A novel theoretical and practical development for highly efficient traction electromechanical systems based on the induction and synchronous reluctance motors is presented, which allows to overcome the problem of permanent magnets limited availability. New nonlinear and adaptive control methods have been developed for traction electrical drives and hybrid energy storage systems based on batteries and ultra capacitors. The theory of vector control systems design was extended to class of highly saturated electric motors using their improved mathematical models.

Development of efficient electrobus electromechanical system based on adaptive vector- controlled induction motor drive with accumulator-ultracapacitor power source

An experimental electrical drive for electric buses and traks is developed and experimentally tested. Developed power converter for induction motor based electrical drive provides 100 kW of output power. Flux-torque (speed) control algorithms for induction motor are developed, implemented and experimentally verified. Developed nonlinear controller take into consideration motor's magnetizing curve provides asymptotic flux-torque (speed) tracking, torque per Ampere maximization (MTA) as well adaptation to stator and rotor resistances.

Robust adaptive control of electromechanical systems with improved dynamic performances and energy efficiency

The theory of analysis and synthesis of adaptive electromechanical systems with vector-controlled electrical motors is developed and generalized. Proposed theory allows synthesizing automatic control systems with the properties of robustness to electrical motor parameters variations, thereby improving their dynamic performances and efficiency. Methods for robust adaptive estimation of immeasurable coordinates and identification of unknown parameters of electromechanical converters are developed.

Fundamentals of vector-controlled alternative current electromechanical systems with rolling pair kinematics

The generalized mathematical models for the class of transport objects with vector-controlled AC motors are developed. A novel decomposition based control concept for electromechanical systems with rolling pair kinematic is presented. Control algorithms development procedure based on this concept provides a solution for the basic traction control tasks.

Fundamentals of adaptive electromechanical control systems based on vector-controlled AC motors under incomplete information.

The theory of stability of multivariable nonlinear systems is extended allowing development of new design methods of control. The methods provide decomposition of the original system into the interconnected subsystems with the structural properties ensuring the local exponential stability of the composite system and quasi-independence of the subsystems’ processes along with the asymptotic linearization of one of them.