Creation of control and measuring system for position of cutting tools at workspace of the machine tools

The technical proposals for the manufacture of new information and measuring system based on the principles of two-parameter control and distance measurement and control positioning objects in the workspace of process equipment; methodology for new technology controls the distance the tool to the workpiece during processing on the basis of complex electromagnetic fields of different frequency ranges and combinations thereof, that is cross-checking the distance based on different physical principles of sensory modules; Principles of new technology controls the distance the tool to the workpi

Technological bases of grinding of non-rigid details with a comhlex surface

For implementation of work the engineers of method of computer simulation of cutting processes are used at grinding, methods of mathematical models on the base of methods of planning of experiments, method of evaluating on of exactness and quality of the machining detail. All of model experiments was conducted on the modernized CNC machine-tool 3М152МВФ3, which was equipped the system CNC Siemens

Creation of control and measuring system for support of ultrahigh accuracy at production of precision details of devices

Created: technical proposals for making new control and measuring system to support ultra-high precision manufacturing of parts in the instrument-making industry, which provides precision machining of metal and extension of the automated milling equipment with CNC type CNC; new integrated control and measuring tools, the use of which enhances the precision coordinate measurement surface touching the tool to the workpiece during processing due regard to spatial errors, which allows a significant reduction of process cycle measurement; principles for determining the dynamic loads on equipment