Chermalikh V.

Optimization of power consumption shaft fixed installations with the use of diagnostic tools is their energy efficiency

Developed a comprehensive approach to the problem of optimization of energy consumption, improving energy efficiency and sustainability of the most energy-intensive consumers of mining companies - mining fixed installations (SSU) by applying diagnostic tools is their energy efficiency, energy-saving drive systems, control devices power quality and introduction of technological measures for its economy. Developed methods and tools allow you to replace existing technology diagnostic and service equipment - service "regulations" more advanced technology services "actual status".

Development the prinсiples of construction multifactor monitoring and functional diagnostics electromechanical systems for stationary plants at mining enterprises

The purpose of the work is to increase energy efficiency of the electromechanical systems of stationary mining enterprises by monitoring in real time of their current operating parameters and diagnosing and evaluating energy and technical conditions to identify inefficient modes and make informed decisions about further exploitation. The paper solved the urgent scientific and practical task of improving the energy efficiency of electromechanical systems of the mine fixed installations with asynchronous motors.

Development of control instrument for mining industry power streams setting with norms and analysis

The purpose of the project is the creation of the CAS management of mining enterprise power streams with software development to determine specific energy consumption, and its analysis on the basis of modern mathematical methods: theories of patterns recognitions, artificial networks, balance methods for workstations of all levels .