Development and introduction educational-experimental settings from the production of diesel biopropellant
Executed development of technical document and made educational- experimental setting from the production of biodiesel fuel. Setting is mounted on the department of refurbishable energy of NTUU “KPI” sources and geared-up for the educational use.
The method of calculation of amount of raw biomaterial which can be got for the production of biosubstitutes of petrol and dizpaliva from oil is offered, which allows first to take into account distributing of areas of growing of sil'gospkul'tur depending on crop rotations and decide a problem “food or fuel”.
It is set that technically accessible power potential of agile biopropellant in Ukraine is expected taking into account crop rotations and problem “food or fuel” is made by 2,968 million t in. p (table of A8). Practical use of it technically accessible power potential will allow to decrease extrass in the environment of carbon dioxide on 9482 thousands of tons/year.
The mathematical model of process of peresterifikacii of vegetable butters is first developed in the reactor of batch-type which takes into account stekhiometriyu, kinetics of chemical reaction, financial and thermal balance of reactor.
Developed a mathematical model allowed to get stoichiometrical equalization of reaction of pereesterifikacii of vegetable butters, formula, for a calculation the coefficient of speed and constant of equilibrium of this reaction, formula of determination of time of stay in the reactor of reactive matters for achievement of necessary degree of transformation, formula, for the calculations of teplovtrat and distributing of temperatures in the reactor of pereesterifikacii of true-to-shape.