Kudrya Stepan A.

Complex energy supply systems for the autonomous objects based on the renewable energy sources

The autonomous power supply system for local object based on the photovoltaic panels and a buffer battery has been developed. Such system allows to balance the generation and consumption of energy. A mathematical model of the functioning of a complex power supply unit based on renewable energy sources has been developed. This model takes into account the climatic and meteorological conditions of the locality for determination of the optimal ratio of the installed capacities of different sources, and a generalized model of the coordinated operation of the generating equipment and the storage subsystem

Optimization of the modes of exploitation of hybrid ekomobil is on the base of photo-electric batteries and biodiesel fuel

For the first time experimentally that the temperature coefficients of reaction pereesterifikatsii vegetable oil methyl alcohol are γ = 1,3 and do not meet the rule of van't Hoff for chemical reactions, so the change of temperature in the range of 20-60 º C did not reveal a significant impact on product yield and reaction rate in the whole .

Development and introduction educational-experimental settings from the production of diesel biopropellant

Executed development of technical document and made educational- experimental setting from the production of biodiesel fuel. Setting is mounted on the department of refurbishable energy of NTUU “KPI” sources and geared-up for the educational use.

The method of calculation of amount of raw biomaterial which can be got for the production of biosubstitutes of petrol and dizpaliva from oil is offered, which allows first to take into account distributing of areas of growing of sil'gospkul'tur depending on crop rotations and decide a problem “food or fuel”.