Establishing patterns of formation of diffusion coatings on alloys and the relationship between their composition, structure and properties
Showing an increase tribotechnical characteristics of titanium alloys in terms of friction without lubrication, abrasion wear, heat resistance, corrosion resistance the surface after diffusion saturation with nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, chromium, aluminum.
The possibility of intensification of diffusion saturation by introducing into the reaction space activators and activation of surfaces prior Magneto-abrasive treatment that is saturated. This reduces the saturation temperature of titanium and its alloys to 550-900 0C saturation and reduce time to 2-3 hours.
After vysotemperaturnoyi nitrotsementatsiyi nitriding and wear resistance of titanium alloys increases (2-8) times, and the coefficient of friction is reduced by (15-17)% compared to untreated.
A combined treatment of titanium alloys comprising pre-activated surface (magnetic-abrasive treatment) followed nitrotsementatsiyeyu low temperature (550 ° C while). This allows you to increase the wear resistance (2-3) times, reduce friction by 5-10%, increase fatigue resistance by 40%.
Using preliminary and final magnetic abrasive treatment reduces the roughness of working surfaces and further strengthens it.
Established that coatings based on intermetallic chromium, aluminum, titanium and titanium alloys to increase in microhardness (3-4) times, abrasive wear resistance (1.5-1.8) times, wear resistance under friction on the (20-40)% heat resistance up to 900 0 C for 30 hours and corrosion resistance in aqueous solution 1.5% HOOC(CH2)4SOON in (10-15) times ,: in aqueous 35% H2O2 and 10% НOOССOOН - 2 times.
The possibility of nitriding and nitrotsementatsiyi zirconium, allowing it to increase the surface hardness due to the formation on the surface of nitrides, carbides, oxides and zirconium solid solution of nitrogen and carbon in zirconium.

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