Theoretical bases of construction of mobile broadband radioaccess systems of millimeter wave band.

Working out of principles of construction and methods of implementation of mobile broadband access systems of a millimeter wave band for maintenance of high-speed access of users to ІР-networks data transfers under condition of maintenance of the secured quality of giving of services was a research work main objective.

Intellectual selforganized radionetworks.

The theoretical basis for the construction of telecommunications radio networks which do not require fixed infrastructure and consist of fixed and mobile subscribers has been established. The main scope of the work lies in the use of knowledge processing technologies for resource management processes of radio models at different OSI layers, which will provide the ability to self-organizing as well as functioning in uncertain conditions.

Theoretical and experimental studies of the morphology and optical properties of photochemically / thermally synthesized nanoparticles with characteristic surface plasmon resonance spectra

Scientific interest in noble metals nanoparticles (NPs) and nanostructured metal surfaces formed by their deposition is caused by their unique physical properties, including surface enhancement of linear and nonlinear optical phenomena in the media in contact with such nanostructures. Morphological characteristics of NPs determine their catalytic, sensor, optical properties. Thus, it is of great importance to identify factors that affect the morphology of nanoparticles formed in multicomponent solution with regard to kinetic phenomena in solution and on the NPs surface.

Influence of magnetic field on auto-oscillating processes on interface surface conductor-electrolyte.

New principles of operating autooscillating processes in interphase of conductor-electrolyte by means of external permanent magnetic field are developed. Detailed description of autooscillating phenomena is obtained in interphase of conductor-electrolyte in permanent magnetic field. It is a new example of nonlinear self-organization in system that is dissimilar to thermodynamic equilibrium.

Architectural conception and network processor development which provide intelectual data processing.

A set of methods for pipelined computer system synthesis is developed. The methods are based on mapping the spaced synchronous dataflow graphs (SSDFG) into the system structure and its schedule. The input data of the methods are initial SSDFG, given period of the algorithm implementation, and optimization criterium. The developed methods provide minimising the clock period as well as processor unit, register, multiplexor number, interprocessor communications, memory volume, energy consumption minimizations.

Methods of the organization of monitoring information-analytical systems for scientific and educational purpose on the basis of highly productive computing cluster technologies.

A number of approaches is developed for creation of monitoring information-analytical systems for scientific and educational activity support. The way of an efficiency estimation of using information-analytical, including monitoring information-analytical systems for solving problems of science and education on the basis of use spatial cognitive model of training is offered. Approaches to formation of  specialized information-analytical systems architecture are created.

Research of actual problems of theory of random processes, mathematical analysis and boundary-value problems of mathematical physics

The aim of the project is: 1) Generalization of the theory of regularly varying functions and further development of the theory of pseudo-regular functions; 2) Development of the theory of functions with non-degenerated groups of regular points; 3) Study of asymptotic behavior of solutions of stochastic differential equations; 4) Study of asymptotic behavior of functional parameter estimates for stochastic processes and Volterra systems; 5) Study of distributions of functionals of stochastic processes and fields, particularly of Gaussian ones; 6) Construction of new generalizations of hyper

Multiagent system of information resources integration and information processing in distributed information - telecommunication environment.

New principle models and methods of information resources and services integration were developed and methods of their interaction based on the software agent technology and multi-agent systems in distributed heterogeneous information and telecommunications environment.

Intensification of heat exchange during chladones condensation and their composites inwardly pipes and channels including mini- and microchannels

Experimental research of heat exchange is conducted during condensation of water, chladone of R-141b and mixtures of chladones of R-22 and R-407С in a horizontal pipe with the passive intensifiers of heat exchange – wire rings and wire longitudinal scope at the circular, расслоенном and asymmetric flow of phases. The field of temperatures is measured in the vertical section of the thick-walled test area, passing through circular intensifiers.

Development and introduction educational-experimental settings from the production of diesel biopropellant

Executed development of technical document and made educational- experimental setting from the production of biodiesel fuel. Setting is mounted on the department of refurbishable energy of NTUU “KPI” sources and geared-up for the educational use.

The method of calculation of amount of raw biomaterial which can be got for the production of biosubstitutes of petrol and dizpaliva from oil is offered, which allows first to take into account distributing of areas of growing of sil'gospkul'tur depending on crop rotations and decide a problem “food or fuel”.
