Investigation of ions of heavy metal extraction from waste waters mechanisms by magnetocontrolled biosorption

Theoretical models which feature mechanisms of extraction of ions of heavy metals are offered and developed. New low-cost methods of manufacturing stable magnetosensitive complexes barm/magnetic nanoparticles with the refined properties are developed. Essentially new knowledge and the facts concerning mechanisms of extraction of ions of heavy metals from fluids by means of magnetocontrolled biosorption which allow to optimize considerably production engineering of purification of sewage from ions of heavy metals in a velocity regime are gained.....

Thermomolecular energetics: investigation of thermodynamic functions and hysteresis nature in the “compression-expansion” processes of the normal and configurational clathrates

As the result of the work the conception synthesis of repulsive clathrates hysteresis nature is received with subject to the theoretical and experimental researches: the hysteresis experimental data and theoretical concepts for the functionality compression-expansion processes are compared. The recommendations for the repulsive clathrate components choice are produced with subject to their functionality – accumulation, dissipation or energy transformation.

Simulation of processes of phase-to-phase interaction at an arc welding and a building-up welding under a fluxing stone

It is shown that the evaluation of metallurgical properties of flux in electric arc welding in most models are limited to consideration of the slag-metal reactions, which contradicts the physical model of the electric submerged arc welding. The existence of the gas phase, and its influence on chemical processes at the interface is ignored.

Micro-and nanostructured processes in the surface layers of the structural alloys under conditions of the high-energy processing.

The complex of the experimental studies which enabled us to establish the influence of the ultrasonic shock treatment (USST) regimes in the air, in an inert atmosphere and liquid nitrogen on microhardness, fine microstructure, phase and chemical composition of the aluminum alloy D16 and Ti6Al4V titanium alloy surface layers  was performed.

Formation regularities of the biocompatible coatings on titanium and iron alloys for artificial limbs and medical instruments

Regularities of structural phase transition at the formation of biocompatible protective coating by complex high-energy treatment were determined. This could consciously control the processes of their creation as well as a set of performance properties. An important characteristic of biocompatible coatings is their strong connection with the base that ensures long-term strength of implants in the human body.

Generalized correlation of nanocrystalline structure and mechanical properties formation in Fe-based alloys during severe plastic deformation.

The main result of the work is the scientific conception of formation in α-Fe and it’s alloys nano- and submicrostructures under severe plastic deformation by friction (SPDF) in gas atmosphere (argon, air, ammonia). This original new method allows one to refine grain structure down to nanometre scale together with modifying the surface by dopant element.  Minimum strain e necessary to produce 100 nm sized α-Fe grained structure was estimated to be about 10 with high strain rate (έ>102 s-1) in dynamic recrystallization condition.

Complex of mechanical properties of aluminium based intermetallic compounds and their deformation and fracture features at the nanometre and micrometre scales.

First in the identical loading conditions the mechanical parameters such as Young's modulus Е, microhardness HV and nanohardness Hh, plasticity characteristics dH »dA, yield stress s0,2, temperature range of ductile-brittle transition, fracture toughness K1c, of intermetallics on the basis of aluminium, wich were absent in reference books till now, and the features of their deformation and destructions on nanо- and microlevels are determined.

Elaboration of scientific fundamentals of building of microcontroller power sources for creation of the new technology of information protection in computer systems

As the result of research work a comparative analysis of existing security systems of microprocessor-based systems was made with aim to identify their disadvantages and improvement prospects. Existing microcontrollers were explore with aim to protection from readers on current consumption are researched and to determine the real security of high end microcontrollers and suggest ways to improve it. The algorithm of discrete wavelet analysis and spectral analysis in polar coordinates was further developed.

Theoretical bases of construction of mobile broadband radioaccess systems of millimeter wave band.

Working out of principles of construction and methods of implementation of mobile broadband access systems of a millimeter wave band for maintenance of high-speed access of users to ІР-networks data transfers under condition of maintenance of the secured quality of giving of services was a research work main objective.
