Pankratova Nataliya D.

Доктор технічних наук, кандидат фізико-математичних наук, професор, заслужений діяч науки й техніки України, Лауреат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, Лауреат премії ім. В.М. Глушкова, дійсний член Міжнародної Академії Наук Вищої Школи, Нью-Йоркської Академії Наук, Польської Академії Наук.

The development of the diagnosing toolkit for guaranteed operation of the complex technical systems in the conditions of the uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors

Algorithmic toolkit for system estimation and forecasting of the guaranteed CTS functioning are proposed, the basis of which is the information platform for technical diagnostics. Algorithmic toolkit for guaranteed CTS operating implements the proposed concept and strategy for solving the problem of guaranteed CTS operating under the influence of destabilizing risk factors and uncertainties of various nature using the principle of timely identification of causes and preventing the transition to an abnormal mode with the estimating the margins of permissible risk for CTS indications.

The development of the combined system to provide the safety and survivability complex technical system functioning in real time

There are proposed the methodological, mathematical and algorithmic toolkit for the integrated system to ensure the security and survivability (ISSS) of complex technical systems (CES) functioning in real time based on the timely formation and implementation of decisions and unremovable threshold time limit for cycle control in abnormal conditions.

Development of the information-expert foresight system with extended analytics of unstructured data

A methodological and methodical toolkit of information-expert foresight system for processing unstructured information was developed, which includes the development of approaches to the analysis of unstructured data for the foresight platform and development of methods for determining the semantic coloring for pieces of unstructured information.

System control by the operability, the survivability and the safety of the complex technical systems in the conditions of different nature uncertainties and destabilizing risk factors

There is proposed system control by operability, survivability and safety of complex technical systems (CTS) under the influence of destabilizing risk factors, the conceptual and information uncertainty as the system of timely decisions making on operational prevent potential accident and catastrophic situations.

The development of the toolkit of the guaranteed operation security of the complex technical systems in the conditions of the uncertainties and the multifactor risks

Methodological, mathematical and algorithmic toolkit worked out to provide a guaranteed functioning of complex technical systems (CTS), an opportunity to form sufficiently informed decision based on the threshold time limit, the practical implementation of solutions to prevent accidents and disasters in terms of conceptual uncertainty and multifactor risks. Toolkit in the form of an information platform of technical diagnostics in real time is based on the proposed control strategy serviceability and safety of the CTS.

Development of an integrated technology system design, safety control and diagnosis of complex technical objects under conditions of uncertainty and multifactorial risk

The methodological, mathematical and algorithmical toolkit on providing the control by functioning and monitoring, operative diagnosis, evaluation and prediction of the permissible risk margin of the forecast abnormal, critical, extraordinary, emergency and catastrophic situations’ set in the complex technical systems’ (CTS) functioning dynamics under the conditions of the uncertainties and multifactorial risks is worked out.