Нанокристалічні кремнієві плівки

Development of the 2-axis Sun angular coordinates determination device based on the nanostructured silicon films for spacecrafts

The design of the 2-axis Sun angular coordinates determination device based on the
monocrystalline silicon and on the nanostructured silicon films have been developed.
Calculations of the design parameters of the sensors are given taking into account the linearization of the output characteristic based on the factors of the incident power loss with the incidence light angle increasing and the incidence angle dependence of the light spot displacement.

Physical-technical principles of the constructional and technological solutions on the thin-film nanocrystalline silicon solar cells and heterojunction А3В5 solar cells

Integrated optimization of production technology of radiation-resistant solar cells based on the A3B5 heterojunctions, on the single-crystal silicon as well as on the nanocrystalline silicon films doped with rare earth elements formed by the method of synthesis of nanocrystalline silicon thin-film layers. Technological operations for manufacturing of high-performance radiation-resistant nanocrystalline silicon thin film solar cells and the A3B5 heterojunction solar cells have been developed and practically realized.

Development of technology for production of nanocrystalline silicon films based on amorphous Si-Sn-C and control methods and the pn-junction structure

Developed and implemented technological scheme of low-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline silicon films. The method of thermal vacuum deposition in a stream of high-energy electrons. Theoretical model of the thin-film photovoltaic based nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si). The model takes into account the three-dimensional distribution of potential barriers.