Zgurovsky Michael Z.

Доктор технічних наук, професор, академік та член президії Національної академії наук України, член Академії педагогічних наук України, іноземний член Російської академії наук, ректор Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут», член Ради з питань науки та науково-технічної політики при Президентові України.


Development of on-line platform for analysis and scenario planning of sustainable development of Ukrainian regions in the context of quality and security of people's life

The purpose of the work is to increase the completeness and effectiveness of analytical and information support of the management decision-making process (in the form of mid-term and long-term strategies and sequences of government actions) aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of regions and Ukraine, as complex socio economic objects, expense of developing new and improving existing systems analysis, big data mining, foresight, scenario planning and management and online platform for their application in situation center mode.

The methodology of quantitative estimation and analysis of a society based on knowledge

A model of comprehensive quantitative assessment of the development of a society based on knowledge, using the system utility theory, was built. Simulation for countries and regions of Ukrain was provided, the results of which was used for creating thematic panels for presentation and analysis of the research results on-line. In the course of the investigation also method of verification applied models of complex systems based on the operations of aggregation and generalization and the use of equivalent transformations for categories that describe the subject area was established.

Development of tools for building complex multicomponent models

A toolkit for building multi-component models of complex evaluation of sustainable development was created. Tools developed as part of the intellectual system of data processing of World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development and interacts with other components of information analytical system of World Data Center. User interface based on thin client that provides an interactive graphical tool for constructing models and visualization of distributed multidisciplinary information and providing tools for its analysis was implemented.

Development of methodology and mathematical foundations of the quantitative evaluation processes of the sustainable development and the impact of global threats in global and regional contexts

1. State registration number of the theme - 0111U001738, NTUU "KPI" - 2401-F.
2. Supervisor - prof., Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Zgurovsky Michael Z.
3. The essence of development, the main results.