математичне моделювання

The system analysis of landslide-prone slopes stress state in terms of seismic and anthropogenic hazards and destabilizing risk factors

There is developed a methodical-algorithmic toolkit for the system modeling of the landslide-prone slopes stress state, implementing the new concept and strategy in solving the inverse problem of a sustainable location for the buildings and the constructions in the landslide sites in conditions of destabilizing soil masses degradation factors.

Thermal processes at growh of non-activated scintillational materials

The object of research is the directed crystallization partly of semitransparent materials from melt. The subject of research is mathematical models of radiation-conductive and radiation-convective heat exchange. Mathematical models and techniques of numeral solution of tasks of ra-diation-convective heat exchange are worked out taking into account influence of impurities in melt on an asorptance and selectivity of optical properties of semitransparent crystal and melt.

Development and implementation of methodology for intellectual data analysis using Bayesian networks theory and regression analysis

A new two-stage method for intellectual data analysis is proposed that combines Bayesian networks theory and regression analysis. The method is based on two sets of mathematical techniques. The first one is used for constructing topology of Bayesian network and forming probabilistic inference. The inference is used further on for decision making on the basis of forecast estimates. The second set of methods is used for development of regression model with making use of logistic link function that serves as a basis for forecast estimation.

An Improvement of Ground Surveillance Optoelectronic System's Functional and Tactical Properties

The project is dedicated to current importance direction of instrument-making industry - the increasing of complex efficiency of infrared (IR) optoelectronic reconnaissance systems (OERS).

The prosecution of project consisted of three harmonized function boxes:

- mathematical modeling of information transformation in IR OERS, search of major links of the system, researches of the informative system behaviour under various conditions and at different influences;

Creation of information and measurement system for cours and trim based on surface acoustic accelerometers

Experimtntal studies of information-measuring system showed prospects for use such  devices for  vehicle security system  and the  measurement of  stress-deforming state of railway locomotives. Combining them into a single complex with a satellite navigation systtmand a digital maps aliow to accurately determine the position of the car on the road. 

Design and development of telecommunication devices on the basis of metamaterialiv and integral multi-layered technologies

The principles of construction, modeling and design, design methodology in the range of

5...100 GHz telecommunication devices (TAP) and their components (filters, amplifiers, etc.) and hardware components (lines, transitions, etc.) through the use of metamaterials and integral multi-layer LTCC technologyand, LCP, and examples of implementation of thedevices on that basis.

Development of bases of design of stochastic processes in chemical technology taking into account the possible terms of incomplete information about the heterogenic systems.

When solving many applied problems encountered processes associated with the necessity to take account of stochastic properties of heterogeneous systems. Such problems regularly arise in a number of leading industries - chemical, petroleum, building materials, food and others, where important are hydrodynamic processes associated with separation at urahuvanni heterogeneity.

Creation of the generalized discrete model of processes of forming of polymeric wares taking into account the tensely-deformed state of structural elements of machines at the complex thermal-force stress.

The universal discrete mathematical model of unisothermal movement of polymeric environments in ducting of processing equipment in the processes of melting, temperature homogenization and forming taking into account influencing of deformation of structural elements of equipment, being based on equalizations of mechanics of continuous environments is developed. Realization of model is carried out on the base of moment chart of method of finite elements with the use of 9-point element.
