Fundamental research

Development of the special methods of theory of the field and perfection on their basis of spatial stochastic technological systems of metal-cutting machine-tools

Special methods of field theory, which are aimed at the study of vector and tensor fields of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the technological systems of machines. Methods used in studies of working systems machine tool spindles with cyclic changes of the field parameters. The laws of vibration field of one-dimensional and multi-dimensional continuum of dynamical systems tools. A fundamentally new method of description of stochastic spatial cutting forces in the form of a tensor field correlation moments of the projections of the random vector of the cutting force.

Development of scientific and methodical bases of structural foresight technology and recommendations about its use in innovative projects in Electromechanics

The determined compliance between a progressing variety of created by experts electromechanical objects and systems and element basis of periodic system of the electromagnetic field primary sources is established for the first time. It is scientifically proved that existence of such regularity is defined by the fundamental principles of genetic information saving of the complete elementary electromagnetic structures which genetic codes contain information both rather known, and potentially possible versions of structures which are allowed by the genetic principles of structurization.

Hydrodinamics and heat-mass exchange in steam-gas-fluid bubble exchangers

The theory of processes of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer is developed at a direct contact liquid and gas phases in the special terms of running bubbling layer, worked out by authors, that will be realized at a simultaneous serve in the tubular reactor of smoke gases and cooling water. In such reactor in the conditions of a limit space the relative high-rate of gas and liquid will be realized at providing of intensive interfusion of the last and continuous taking of the heated liquid from the active zone of reactor.

Investigation of passive evaporative condensing heat transfer systems to improve the safe operation of nuclear power equipment

Formulation and conduct of this work due to the urgent need to increase the security level of nuclear power equipment operations. The use of passive systems that operate mainly due to natural forces and phenomena and which include the heat transfer systems of evaporating-condensing type (ЕСT) will dispense with equipment at work which may refuse, reduce dependence on operator's actions during transients and accidents.

Theorethical and applied tasks of security of comlex systems

This project concerns the research of theoretical and applied problems of structural-complex systems’ security. The subject of the research is the scientific apparatus for the security investigation of structural-complex systems. In this project were developed new and improved existing approaches, models, methods and algorithms for solving the tasks of analysis and synthesis of structural-complex systems’ characteristics.

Fundamentals of adaptive electromechanical control systems based on vector-controlled AC motors under incomplete information.

The theory of stability of multivariable nonlinear systems is extended allowing development of new design methods of control. The methods provide decomposition of the original system into the interconnected subsystems with the structural properties ensuring the local exponential stability of the composite system and quasi-independence of the subsystems’ processes along with the asymptotic linearization of one of them.

Electronic processes in the breakdown electric fields in the polytypes of silicon carbide

Conditions for creation of light emitting diodes working in electrical breakdown regime have been determined. The floatable technology have been used. Light emitting diodes obtained is possible to use as standards of power and spectral composition of radiation, and although for creation of sources of short light impulses. Constructions of these devices, laboratorial technology of their fabrication, elements of metrological support have been worked out.
Emitters on SiC-basis operating in the electrical breakdown regime have the following superior characteristics:

Development of mathematical models of choice of the optimum modes and perspective development of system connections of grids of Ukraine

The working out essence consists in creation of the specific mathematical apparatus intended for the decision of problems of optimization of operating conditions of a backbone network of the main ExtraHVAC transmission lines taking into account uniform distribution of parameters along length of such lines and estimation of features of wave processes by transfer on them of electric energy.
