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Development and research of universal energy saving subsystem power supply to the optoelectronic scanner and precision GPS / GLONASS space receiver
Optical-digital processor for thermal imaging surveillance systems image processing
Engineering aspects of the functioning of the energy management system of housing and public facilities
The improvement of the methods of the human capital development as a factor of increasing for Ukraine’s mobilization potential
Scientific bases of expansion of the fund of sources of water supply of the population, elimination of threats to national security of Ukraine in the ecological sphere
Improvement of the electronic platform and testing of the flight model of the university nanosatellite PolyITAN-3-PUT format Cubesat for the search for natural resources of the Earth
Development of technical recommendations for the creation of processes for the preparation of thermoplastic polymer composite materials and the formation of intelligent products from them
Physical bases of creation of frame metal-ceramic composites with submicron grain for maintenance of extremely high ballistic characteristics
Creation of resource-saving processes and installations for isothermal viscoplastic molding of titanium alloys and powder materials of parts with thin-walled elements in mechanical engineering
Electrochemical systems for the determination of nitrogen oxide (II) for monitoring the air environment and for use in medical and biological research
Based on satellite data scenario modeling of critical changes in the ecological and economic state of temporarily occupied territories as a factor of national security of Ukraine
Creation of thermophysical bases of design of heat exchange devices on two-phase heat transfer elements for energy saving in ventilation systems of buildings
Structural-phase mechanisms of controlling the structural and functional alloys complex surface properties by combined thermal, ionic and deformation effects
Next Generation of the Highly Efficient Traction Electromechanical Systems With Permanent Magnets Free Motors
Development of energy-efficient technical solutions for modernization of rotating furnaces of electrode production with partial replacement of natural gas with syngas
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