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Physical and technical foundations development of signal processing devices barrier micro- and nanostructures
Research of integrated consumers energy supply systems with electric and thermal energy accumulation optimal functioning.
Creating high-performance actuators for adaptive, open-architecture automation systems
Complex energy supply systems for the autonomous objects based on the renewable energy sources
Competitive technology of molding structural products from traditional and nanomodified polymer composite materials
Aluminum two-phase heat transfer systems with steam and liquid separation for energy efficient technologies
Construction of Information-Analytical Platform for Scenario Analysis Based on Large Volumes of Weakly Structured Data
Creation of remote controlled platform of mobile robot for demining of high passage and maneuverability
Heat transfer and fluid dynamics in miniature two-phase heat transfer systems
Multi-channel thermal imaging and television complex search-detection with noise-tolerant high-speed data transmission interface
Scientific and technical basis for the construction of new over-the-horizon communication systems using relay air platforms and artificial formations
Biotelemetric system of centralized multi-parameter express diagnostics and monitoring of human functional state
Development and investigation of powerful glow discharge electron gun for applying in the technology of obtaining of refractory and chemically active metals
Interaction of spin waves and spin-polarized current with magnetic inhomogeneities in nanostructured ferromagnetic materials
Seismo acoustic intelligence complex of remote monitoring of mobile objects
Energy-efficient methods and means of electrotechnologies for the ultrapure copper smelting in domestic induction installations
Creation of breakthrough technologies for manufacturing components of irregular shape from composite materials for extreme operating conditions
Development of a method for predicting carrying capacity and temperature stability of space vehicles platform
Computer-integrated systems for the design and manufacture of complex shapes based on modern generation of surface processes
Research and testing of the flight model of the university nanosatellite PolyITAN-3-PUT format Cubesat for remote sensing of the Earth
Development of theory and circuit solutions of non-minimum-phase planar filters with mixed couplings for telecommunications
Sensoric equipment for environmental monitoring and technological principles of water purification based on the novel nanodisperse adsorption materials
Development of the basic principles of designing manipulators of mobile robots of special purpose adapted for work with dangerous objects
Development of technical and technological schemes and control systems of heating systems based on thermodynamic approaches
The formation of structure, magnetic properties of nanoscale FePt(Pd) films by hydrogen heat treatmant for information magnetic recording of a high density
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